Sunday, January 2, 2022

How HAARP Froze Canada and the US


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry has noted, I burn wood in our cellar and have been having a problem this year with downdrafts in getting the fire started. After things warm up, it is all fine, but something is causing problems more often than last year.

The vents and chimney are that has left me wondering what is taking place.

The secret in this is HAARP and I know in this Arctic cold which has been pushed into Canada and the United States to start 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, in how the weather mods accomplished it.

I had not said anything, but Europe has been naturally cold this year. This means that the United States and Canada should be mild as it can not be cold in two places.

I watched HAARP create a cold pressure dump into Alberta at the end of December  2021 and it spilled over into Montana, and then into the United States. This is simply another oddity of what weather mods do as I can attest looking out my window at 20 below that the skies here are lovey April blue. When you get cold air, the skies turn white. The atmosphere is warm and yet the cold air is here. I will not go into the mechanics of how they did this again, but instead focus on my observation.

We have been really cold here in this plunge. This kind of cold should not have high winds, yet we have winds. The short of this is, there should be high pressure at least some time in this pattern and that is where the chimney smoke comes in, as all we get is smoke what goes horizontal or casts to the ground 95% of the time. That is impossible. I just checked on this bright sunny day, and we have a barometric pressure of 31.3. That is very high pressure and smoke should be lofting to the heavens, yet the smoke is as low as on a high humid snow storm taking place.

The data can not be, and yet the data is showing exactly that. That means that HAARP is generating this cold air mass by an air pressure which is resembling low pressure, but is still reading high pressures. It is just another one of these bizarre things of HAARP, which frequently has summer black wind clouds when it is very cold. Again cold air produces whites, not colors and not dark colors as there should not be that much moisture in cold clouds to produce darkness. It is why cirrus clouds are white always, as it is cold up there.

This is how HAARP is operating and I would not have discovered this protocol if not for having chimney draft problems in smoke hovering on the ground. It is just frustrating to have this taking place 9 out of 10 times. Yet it does and the culprit is the weather mods and they have caused some very destructive weather in their current cold air mass.

I know the earth sloshes after dead sun day and they amplified that feature, by starting a cold air wash out of Siberia and Europe. Massive amount of energy to rape people's finances with making them burn energy to survive to achieve this 1% feature. There is a mathematical formula to explain this anomoly of atmospheric flip and deluge air dumps causing this high low at the same time. It is like the weird things TL and I have seen in standing in 100 degree heat while a thunderstorm approaches where a few hundred yards away it is 60 degrees. It would be lovely to see the air coloured to watch the dynamics of this.

I do know that in this last manipulation that the weather mods were brunted over reaching in mother earth pushed back. They predicted 25 below and the temperature ran around 17 below. That is 8 degrees. The models also projected even more intense cold and then started backing off. That is because there is so much heat in the American south pushing back up. You can't burn up Colorado and expect to get Chicago to zero degrees. I told you that they can push natural trends in the planet's weather, but they can not create patterns. They amplify and with devastating results, but they can not create major seasonal patterns without atmospheric slosh.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.
