Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Bryds


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will not go into the devil in the details, as these are observations to the mindfucking which has been taking place to prepare for the Great Deception.

I had zero time for all these comic book X men, JK Rowling and Marvel whatever that is Iron Man. TL though has been showing me these movies and with the commentary that this is mirroring all this vax synforming, I took interest and TL was right.

None of this happened by accident. Billions of dollars have been poured into this mind conditioning beyond Mockingbird and a common narrative is being produced. I'm watching some Egyptian based movie now which breaks down into demons and hybrids.

The Egyptian deity says it is elohim, rah, any of the creators and with the same odd Biden dark eyes, from a common computer uplink, it now controls every person and every regime.

I suspect that Stan Lee was like all of these personas, an enhanced DNA enjoying the rewards program.

It is, cute that the X keeps tipping their had to Star  Trek, the genesis of all of this, as Roddenberry was not an accident. His British ideas were not marketable, but whoever ginned Star Trek up was connected in the mind warp. They ran the colours bright and then went morbid grey on the kids from the 90's on. 

X men Egypt is the synopsis of it all. The demons, their hybrids, the immortals and the Pentagon.

The immortals are not showing their hand that much. The greys though through their enhancements are focused on the bacteria in the vax. That is their weakness and it was designed into this vax to get rid of the bryds. 

The center of the universe for the anti Light is the Valley of the Kings if the X men is right.  That is the portal . If instinct is right Temple Mount is the center for the immortals. 

They joined to mindfuck billions and are conditioned, relayed and played, joined at the fused 3rd eye.

The key in this is what the demon tells the X men. It lacked one thing to be everywhere. Yes the one O which everyone overlooks, Omniscient in all knowing, Omipotent in having unlimited power, but it is the third O, Omnipotent which the demon lacks. They can not be everywhere....now they can with Elon Musk's SatNet, the grid, the vax synforms, all one mind.

Sweet dreams are made of these.

Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Official Video)Stream Eurythmics here: https://eurythmics.lnk.to/PlaylistsSubscribe to ...
