Authorities have said Rhodes was part of an encrypted Signal chat with Oath Keepers from multiple states leading up to January 6 called 'DC OP: Jan 6 21' and it showed the group was 'activating a plan to use force' that day.
Beginning in December 2020, Rhodes and his fellow militiamen allegedly used encrypted and private communications apps to coordinate and plan to travel to Washington DC on January 6, the date of the certification of the electoral college vote.
Federal authorities claimed that Rhodes and several others planned to bring weapons and ammunition with them.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As a Conservative Christian, I believe in the law, I believe in majority governance and minority rights, I believe in evidence.
This Lame Cherry has noted time and again in the legal filings of the Jan6 events have contained filings by the US Attorneys and FBI which a Federal Judge would have lectured of their inadequacies and thrown the cases out of court.
Court filings must be based on evidence and facts. Yet in these documents we have read of "dangerous police tape" and "lethal serpent scepters" carried by one individual. There were mentions of people dressing alike, again none of these things are a crime, but have been placed into official papers bastardizing the entire process of Justice.
Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a new statement recently in going after those on top. Not one person has been charged with terrorism or insurrection. That has now changed and apparently what the AG was eluding to in the indictment of 10 people in a group which seem to be Oath Keepers.
I will be up front about this, as I know little about any of these groups and what I knew I forgot in writing of them here. As a Christian, I do not need a man made group to remind me to keep oaths as I have the Bible and as a Christian I do not need a group to rally with of what is Americans as I have the Constitution.
The Lame Cherry is going to remind you of something I did not divulge until the Trump victory of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, and that was Donald Trump ran a WWE campaign. It was the same campaign that the McMahons successfully made a fortune off of in pro wrestling. Keep that in mind as when you read the US Attorney filings, these Trump insurrectionists sound just like a WWE ringside event.
The basis of all these 10 cases is the conjecture that these Oath Keepers were going to float a boat across the Potomac River to deliver weapons. This is where this blog would these Judges would begin asking from the bench the basic question of, "You mention things in this Grand Jury indictment, building an insurrection case, an insurrection requires wearpons and you mentions weapons, but wheres is this boatload of weapons as evidence? If there is not evidence, then there is not an insurrection, but a bunch of WWE theatrics in a mob which was never in full riot. So if there is not an insurrection, this case is dismissed and if you waste this court's time, this court will hold you in contempt."
As evidence requires facts, history actually records a real insurrection in one John Brown the abolitionist. The following is a composite of an insurrection.
In reading the following, you will see a man who wanted to make himself Dictator. He was armed with his followers, attacked a federal weapon's depot, took hostages, and when ordered to surrender, stated he would rather die and shot it out with the US Army.
That is what an insurrection is. It is not what took place at the US Capitol.
According to his first biographer James Redpath, "for thirty years, he secretly cherished the idea of being the leader of a servile insurrection: the American Moses, predestined by Omnipotence to lead the servile nations in our Southern States to freedom.
Initially, the raid went well, and they met no resistance entering the town. They cut the telegraph wires and easily captured the armory, which was being defended by a single watchman. They next rounded up hostages from nearby farms, including Colonel Lewis Washington, great-grandnephew of George Washington. They also spread the news to the local slaves that their liberation was at hand. Two of the hostages' slaves also died in the raid.
Army First Lieutenant J. E. B. Stuart approached under a white flag and told the raiders their lives would be spared if they surrendered. Brown refused, saying, "No, I prefer to die here." Stuart then gave a signal. The Marines used sledgehammers and a makeshift battering ram to break down the engine room door. Lieutenant Israel Greene cornered Brown and struck him several times, wounding his head. In three minutes Brown and the survivors were captives.[citation needed]
Altogether, Brown's men killed four people and wounded nine. Ten of Brown's men were killed, including his sons Watson and Oliver. Five escaped, including his son Owen, and seven were captured along with Brown; they were quickly tried and hanged two weeks after John. Among the raiders killed were John Henry Kagi, Lewis Sheridan Leary, and Dangerfield Newby; those hanged besides Brown included John Copeland, Edwin Coppock, Aaron Stevens, and Shields Green
As we read John Brown's actions, there is not any doubt what he was leading. He was not a WWE event.
Into this though was the recent questioning by Senator Ted Cruz of the US Department of Justice about a Mr Epps who was at the US Capitol that day, and recorded goading on the crowd there to not obey the law. Mr. Epps like the 10 Oath Keepers has not been charged as it is charged he was an FBI paid asset meant to instigate trouble.
We do not know if any of the 10 below were paid by the FBI like the Michigan Kidnappers of Governor Whitmer were in another wag the dog tale, but there is a vast difference in people texting each other WWE over the top things like "Pelosi's head rolling down the steps" and a Mr. Epps goading people to riot in storming the US Capitol, who these 10 and over 700 others have been over charged with.
The odd part about this is, is the glaring fact, that the United States Government swiftly hung John Brown. For the current Mr Rhodes, he is facing 20 years for insurrection. Again if he is guilty of the crime, then he and others should be executed. The very fact that the Department of Justice is not going for the death penalty brings the conclusion this was not an insurrection, but a group of deluded people wrapped up on a Trump WWE event who thought this was the real thing. That would be up to a point, as none of them brought a boat load of firearms.
In reading the synopsis of this group's actions, if this was not a political intrigue of the police state, these people would be laughed at to ridicule. They read like Black Panthers calling everyone "brother", Muslims nattering "praise be allah" after every burp and fart or KKK members all referring to each other by the title of Colonel when most of them only attained the Boy Scouts.
Edward Vallejo, 63, from Phoenix, Arizona, is accused of coordinating quick reaction force teams during the January 6 Capitol attack.
Vallejo was described in the indictment as standing at the ready near a hotel in Washington DC with guns and vehicles.
He was quoted as writing in a group chat on the encrypted messaging app Signal: 'Vallejo back at the hotel and outfitted. Have two trucks available. Let me know how I can assist.'
Thomas Caldwell, 67, of Berryville, Virginia, on January 3 allegedly suggested in a text message getting a boat to ferry weapons across the Potomac River to their 'waiting arms.'
During a search of Caldwell's home, authorities said they found a 'Death List' that included the name of an elected official, and invoices for various weapons, including a gun shaped like a cellphone.
Caldwell has denied being a member of the Oath Keepers, and his lawyer filed documents alleging that he has had a top-security clearance since 1979 and previously worked for the FBI.

Joseph Hackett, 51, of Sarasota, Florida, a chiropractor, is accused of leading the local chapter of the Oath Keepers coordinating training, planning, travel, and action with Rhodes.
According to the indictment, Hackett paid for a hotel room in DC from January 5-7, 2021.
It alleges Hackett and others 'prepared themselves for battle before heading to the Capitol by equipping themselves with communication devices and donning reinforced vests, helmets, and goggles.'

Kenneth Harrelson, 41, of Titusville, Florida, a US Army veteran, was photographed inside the Capitol Rotunda with members of Oath Keepers.
He is accused of being among a group of rioters who were hunting for House Speaker Nancy during the insurrection.
One of co-conspirators allegedly texted Harrelson and asked he make 'Pelosi's head [roll] down the steps of the Capitol.'

Joshua James, 34, of Arab, Alabama, owns a cleaning company. Photos from before the riot show him 'providing security' to speakers at the Stop the Steal rally.

Kelly Meggs, 52, of Dunnellon, Florida, was arrested and charged with his wife Connie.
The Meggses are accused of conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, destruction of government property, and other crimes.
He is also accused of colluding with Proud Boys to storm the Capitol.
At the beginning of this year the Meggses sued the House select committee investigating the insurrection, saying their subpoena for their phone records was unlawful.

Roberto Minuta, 37, of Prosper, Texas, was part of the 'guard' for Roger Stone.
In response to a call for individuals to storm the Capitol after it had been breached, Minuta and Joshua James drove to the Capitol with others in a pair of golf carts.
During this time, they swerved 'around law enforcement vehicles' with Minuta allegedly asserting: 'Patriots are storming the Capitol... so we're en route in a grand theft auto golf cart to the Capitol building right now... it's going down guys; it's literally going down right now Patriots storming the Capitol building...'

David Moerschel, 44, of Punta Gorda, Florida, was seen in FBI images wheeling a long gun case in to a hotel in Arlington, Virginia.
He is seen on footage inside the Capitol next to Graydon Young, a man from Englewood who pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with the FBI.

Brian Ulrich, 44, of Guyton, Georgia, had been previously charged in the investigation.
He began planning for the riot a week prior and had joined an online group to discuss arrangements.
On the day of the attack, Ulrich allegedly formed a 'stack' formation and breached the Capitol grounds with other Oath Keepers and affiliates.

Jessica Watkins, 39, a bartender from Woodstock, Ohio, said that she was in DC to help with security for speakers at the Trump rally that took place right before the Capitol storming.
She is also claiming the United States Secret Service was aware of her assisting in security efforts near the White House that day.
What the Lame Cherry hopes would be done is a Federal Judge would tell these 10 to get on their hind legs, berate them, mock them, put the fear of the law into them, and then tell the DOJ that the cases are all dropped, but if these people try the good will of the court every again they will be shipped off to Gitmo.
These 10 are like the peole quoted in the Bible who claimed to be someone in the time of Jesus, and they were not, even though they raised hell, but the government ignored them and they just faded away. A bunch of people who have to belong to a group to be validated is what democrats are. All of them fade away without going to prison and these people should have faded away by now too, except for the DOJ giving them 15 more hours of fame, so that others will write stories of martyrs like Leonard Peltier which other small people will cling to and continue the problem.
There is one person who should have put a stop to this and that was President Donald Trump in blanket amnesty for all who did not injure any one. Now we have more of this soap opera to endure as a distraction as we should all be focused on the Trump Biden Miracle of the plague, as Trump's stolen elections of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, are now the GOP going to take the 2022 AD in the year of our Lord midterms....................and not one question in how can Republicans win inn 2022 when nothing was done to fix the problems of fraud voting in 2016?
Peoples lives have been ended like Ashli Babbitt and destroyed in these 700 charged. America did not end on Jan6 maybe it is time that Donald John Trump explain this and Dictator Joe Biden explain how he won and is using Jan6 to keep democrats in power in charges of insurrection without guns.
Nuff Said