Thursday, January 13, 2022

Just Another Weather Attack Upon America


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is just going to state fact.

The National Weather Service and their talking heads are telling people that an Alberta Clipper is going to spread a snow storm into America, and not just the Great Plains, but it is going to cause everything from ice storms in the Carolinas to snow dumps in the Northeast.

First, for those who do not know. A Clipper is something known in the Western United States. They were a wind storm of semi cold air, which hitting warmer air, would sap that warmer air of moisture, whereby a few inches of snow might fall. In the West this would be called a GROUND BLIZZARD as the winds would be 50 mph or plus for several hours.

No one out there paid any attention to this kind of weather as the snow just blew away and the sun came out. No one in the rest of the country paid attention to a clipper, because they would blow themselves out and they would not really drop temperatures five hundred miles out.

The winds always blow out of the northwest.

Now for the "clipper" called "Izzy" to prove this is HAARP weather bomb again.

Breezy, snow. Areas of blowing snow. Snow May be heavy at Times. Snow accumulation of 5 to 8 inches. Total snow accumulation 7 to 10 inches. Highs around 20. Temperature steady or slowly falling in the afternoon. East winds 15 to 25 mph.

You will notice in the above that there are breezes not winds. The wins are out of the EAST not the Northwest.

You will notice in this that half a foot of snow is predicted. Some alarmists are saying a foot of snow.

This is not a clipper.

What this is, is a HAARP generated low pressure system. If you know anything about Canada, it is cold. It also is land not water, so the question is as it always is with HAARP, "Where is this water coming from, when Alberta is nothing but grass and mountains?"

You are watching a huge avalanche dump of moisture. In the gif below, this system has changed. You can see that it is expanding, no doubt from the vast ocean in South and North Dakota. (satire) 

The Lame Cherry will remind all of you as this blog has been the lone source on monitoring this, that what Izzy is over is the nuclear missile fields of the United States. All of these HAARP weather bombs are meant to contain nuclear fallout in the event of a nuclear attack. I told you the last time this operation was in force that this was lining up in the James River Valley in South and North Dakota. Izzy is dumping in that same exact area again. The entire snow avalanche is in that corridor

What is different this time, is this hot radioactive snow fall practice operation, is not going to stop in the expendable regions. This one is going to release a massive spread of moisture. Project that in hundreds of radioactive mushroom clouds being carried to the Northeast and Mid Atlantic and you are talking about Chernobyl in over 20 Midwest, Southern and North Eastern States.

Something has changed in HAARP too. When Donald Trump was in office, storms stopped on the Canadian border. Everything generated out of the United States. Since Dictator Biden has been installed, Americans storms have been slamming into Canada, and in this case, a HAARP weather bomb was deliberately generated in Alberta Canada, and sent into the United States which is going to harm millions of Americans.

That pink area in  South Dakota is ice, an ice storm. That does not ever happen in South Dakota in January. These events are not normal. This is not climate change. This is upper atmosphere heat where the ground temperatures are below freezing of 32 degrees on the ground. It is hot above and this heat is moving into contact with this artificial clipper, which is being fed off of this heat. That is how the snow is being generated as a practice session to contain radioactive fall out.

I have a prediction in this, as I have witnessed this numerous times. This Izzy is going to just sit on the James River Valley for 24 to 36 hours as if anchored. It will start to move into Minnesota and Iowa and then in 3 hours it will take off like a rocket east. This thing will be bearing down on New York in 12 hours. HAARP does this constantly.

OK this is going to sell lots of heating energy.  The weather mods are having a hell of a time trying to keep this central region below zero. Temperatures in the next week are going to fluctuate several times 50 degrees in a few hours. This "arctic" cold which is been a dead pool that moved out of Alberta and into Ontario is going to burn lots of natural gas in areas of large populations in the Ohio.

You can see in Izzy's tail trailing off to Southern California, where the moisture is being hosed into this artificial storm.

You are witnessing again a weather event which simply does not happen. Winter storms, summer storms NEVER generate out of Canada as it is land and does not have the moisture or low pressure zones to generate storms like this, as Africa does in generating hurricanes. This is HAARP as a weapon.

No rotation in this clipper and not any front line as a clipper should have. This is another tear in the atmosphere and a blob of a storm attacking a specific area of the United States.

If more people would pay attention to these attacks, they would stop doing them as they could not operate in the shadows any longer.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
