There there, tin tots, we have to protect Big Pharm from being sued
and we do that by vaxing you.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Becker Nerws and Jordan Schachtel have produced a disturbing reality connected to the Pfizer vax which has been under immense attack by the immortals as it serves another species. What is being revealed is that Pfizer's authorized vax, has never been introduced into the United States. Instead what has been the bedrock of forced vaxing of Americans is another vax.
There is legal jeopardy in this, as no other vaxes can legally be administered to anyone, if Pfizer is the vaccine. That means that Moderna and J&J will become illegal. Yet ins this FDA, CDC and NIH scam, Pfizer has been allowed to change the additives and ingredients as others have on these vaxes. That is not legal and when a vax is changed it must be resubmitted and reauthorized.
Read the details and meet you on the other side.
Becker News can add another bit of evidence that the “fully authorized” announcement was a sham: If there is a “fully authorized” vaccine on the market it is *illegal* for other vaccines to be offered under EUA. This is the federal law. Yet, Moderna & J&J shots can still be taken. Indeed, attorney Robert Barnes is suing the government due to the FDA’s unlawful carve-out for Pfizer in an exception in its Cominarty authorization.
Furthermore, if Pfizer is “fully authorized” why is it still getting EUAs? If one checks the FDA website, one finds that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine was reissued: “Feb 25, May 10, Jun 25, Aug 12, Aug 23, Sep 22, Oct 20, 2021, Oct 29, 2021, Nov 19, 2021, Dec 9, 2021 & Dec 16, 2021).”
What is the crimes against humanity part in this, is not just these vaxes which are harming people, but the Dr. Anthony Fauci puzzling push for the PedoVax, which is about to be unleashed on children in the first quarter of 2022 AD in the year or our Lord.
The evidence in this is the reason Fauci has been walking hand in hand with Pharm and it has to do with legalities. See there are legal measures for people who have been harmed by the vax. They are hindered in the amount of restitution they can receive in this protection and scam, but there are protections. In the Becker investigation though, there is a legal reason for Anthony Fauci and Pharm going after children who can not by almost 100% not contract "Covid". The reason is there is legal liability for Pfizer, but if Pfizer is granted permission to vax children, then it will make it harder for the victims to prove their case or bring their case into court.
Just so you get this, the people behind this are going to inject children for LEGAL REASONS, not medical reasons. Children are going to be exposed to an mRNA gene therapy drug which will forever change them, because that synthetic prion in the vax keeps replicating forever. Children are having prison injected into them so Pharm can not be sued in court by adults.
Anthony Fauci is driving this, not to protect children or adults, but to protect his benefactors in the pharm industry. That is the conclusion of the evidence.
“In order for Pfizer to be granted more robust legal liability protection for their fully authorized Comirnaty shot, they must first secure full approval for the children’s version of their COVID-19 shot. Steve Kirsch has explained this at length last month on his Substack. Additionally, Robert Kennedy Jr mentioned it on a recent podcast with Mikhaila Peterson. I looked into these claims extensively, and they are completely accurate. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which was passed into law in 1986, provides a legal liability shield to drug manufacturers if they receive full authorization for all ages.”
“Is Pfizer seeking approval for children so that it can protect itself from lawsuits?” he asks. “The company is working with regulators, even clandestinely altering vaccine ingredients (a process that should require them to get full approval for an entirely separate product), in a seeming bid to clear the path to legal indemnity.”
American children in the millions are being offered up to forever changing them physically, all so this trillion dollar industry will not get sued, and Dr. Anthony Fauci is the government lead in this, protecting conglomerates, not people.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said