Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Vax Fashion


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have a mentioned that I have noted that some vaxed people are age and some are getting fat. This is about my cousin who ......

Well the story explains itself.

So she was looking for a winter coat and could not locate one due to those ships off California not being unloaded.

So she ordered the deluxe size online. This coat was large enough so that she could put other layering underneath it.

The coat arrived and it was half a foot too short on the cloth to close.

Now my cousin was a big ole gal before. I noted she was putting on the tonnage this past year after being vaxed, along with personality changes and now memory loss, like in cognitive reasoning, if you woudl say, "Pretty in - - - -" she would not get the phrase was Pretty in Pink any more.

So the Lame Cherry has been moved to assist in Vax Fashion as lots of liberals are going to be  running into this weight gain and there must be a new size chart.

So for my cousin, the coat she ordered was the BLIMPY, so we have a starting point in this, or a mid point.


Morbidly Obesse



You got an ass the size of Michelle Obama

You got a girth the size of Hillary Hamrod Cllinton

Women's Large

and the rest is women's sizes.

I think the best way to help in this is once you get past BLIMPY on the top, to jsut have a one size fits all in CIRCUS TENT, as liberals shut down circuses so those tents are just rotting and these vaxed people are not going to be alive for 18 months more probably anyway, so there is not any need to make an entire new departmet in stores for vaxed fashion. Just have a warehouse and in the tarp section, just have something for people in VAXED SIZES.

I look forward to this and hope that the vaxed purchase Egyptian Cotton cloth or nice heavy canvax, brown duck I prefer, as the Egyptian Cotton is light and I can make leantos out of it for camping under the stars and of course the duck is great for covering up things in trailers or making a hunting blind.

If the vxed would include a nice airy mosquito netting it would be perfect for the leanto in summer. So while they are growing to piano sized coffin coffins, I would hope they would remember the ReVaxNiks after they leave this world, as maybe we might have to camp on the way to their funeral with gas shortages, and using one of their jackets or caots with mosquito screen netting would make us more prone to make the journey to camp or to pick up our tent.

I think that about covers vax fashions. And for those who are puzzling that this satire seems maybe a bit cruel, it is not, as this cousin spread lies about my reputation, has lied to me often enough, is vax cuddled with my horrid sister who I figure is going to hell with her ground owl husband, and she like her wicked one father is just getting some reckoning the crop she sowed.

Like all the vaxed she made decisions in life to be bad at times or to not take the vax and live. So her decisions have consequences and for now it is memory loss and having to wear circus tents for clothes.

This is another Lame Cherry elusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
