As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Vax Legacist, Donald John Trump should familiarize himself with the medical data in the largest liberal population centers in America who were mass vaxed, are the people being diagnosed with "Covid".
Confirmed cases of COVID-19 are on the rise again due to the omicron variant and its high level of transmissibility. On Dec. 26, 189,714 new cases of COVID-19 were reported. Of those, 54,828 came from New York City. This means that 28.9% of new cases reported for Dec. 26 came from the Big Apple.
Over 25% of America's positive COVID cases are in NYC? I feel like this story would be framed differently if it were Florida.
— Karol Markowicz (@karol) December 27, 2021
The reality is that the Trump vax is worthless against any virus, because it is a gene therapy vaccine. This vax also has a prion problem where the body overloads in looking for prions, so it stops fighting germs as it should..........hence the Trump triumph cities or metro maga are instead cities of death, money making death as the government pays a fortune for diagnosing people as Covid.
This is a real moneymaker for the 1%, plus the killing off geezers in 2020 and in 2021 this has graduated to the vaxed age 30 to 50.infecting and terminating numbers of them. The VAERS projections were under reported, so the number now is eclipsing past 2 million.
2 million dead, at poverty entitlements of 1000 dollars a month, that is 2 billion dollars a month which has been saved. This vax is a multi platform reality, one overt reality is ridding the 1st world centers of the surplus entitled.
For the woke, this is not targeting the rural folk. this is targeting the woke who are concentrated in the metro areas.
The vaxed areas are the areas contracting this Omicron, the weakest "variant", and there are not two Omicrons. The original gave headaches. It is the quadvax which is giving people the shits to use up their toilet paper and dose them with Remdesivir if they are suckers and run to hospital.
Nuff Said