As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have been noticing something for the past month in my life and I honestly do not know what it means. I have not inquired but make a note of it.
I have experienced from checkout receipts to a more constant in playing a computer card game of hearts, that dual numbers keep appearing. The rate this has been taking place is not in reality or theory statistically possible.
From a numerical reality a duality is taking place. A mirroring of numbers occupying the same place.
I noted to TL the first time that it was 63.63 and said we should get a lottery ticket if I had the other five numbers. I know this duality is with meaning as I once noted those numbers appearing and informed my now dead brother that, that number would be the lottery powerball and it was.
This is to persistant though and generating constantly in my life. Does not matter if it is the gas pump or whatever, I keep seeing the same numbers repeated. They are not the exact numbers like 63, but they always are a dual set of numbers an even in the card game there is an association of the other hand scores in multiple relationship of those numbers at times.
I do watch the casting of dice. I watch the relationship sequences, straights and same type of numbers appearing in relationship to events. I was not given the mental understanding of this type of mathematical physics, but I'm very certain that out there if one had God's insight is a mathematical relationship flow of numbers, like on a computer codex program which would "predict" events or events are in relation to number sequences. It would be multi dimensional, complete in sacred geometry and a series of degrees which would form this solution for each outcome as it was in constant motion, turning out at the same time multiple quadrillions of solutions and all inter related, as pat of the whole, part of the mathematical problem and yet providing combined the solution.
I'm seeing dual numbers appearing outside of random chance. This is a law of this sequence and I have not a clue at this time what it really is indicating is generating and what is generating this.
Nuff Said