Thursday, March 24, 2022

Damn I miss all the Entertainment


I'm Friday, it is Wednesday, this is my partner,
this is a double homicide and you are seeing two of us.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So like TL and I are doing our errands and out at JYG's and he has some things he found for us like hwo would have thought of putting a Nautilus weight set on a skid steer for ballast? I mean JYG is always thinking of things, hands me the tools and tells me to go at it.

Really helped out allot as for like 7 bucks we got chimney pipe, a coal shovel, dis assembled hutch and a pile of window glass and some re rod.

As a storm was coming we had to leave around 2 and drove home, unloaded, then went to Grandpas to check on things.

So we got home and get this message that there is a double homicide in town, something about some related boys and a girlfriend. and it was supposed to have happened at the salvage yard. Hell we were there and there was no entertainment like that. Last thing that happened there was JYG's old lady's kid told some off brand about some money she had and the friends broke in and stole it.

Fugitives get chased through the junk sometimes, but you see that in the movies all the time, so that is nothing you pay attention to.

Then we heard it happened in another part of town. Damn again, we were in that part of town and there were no bullets flying or blood splattered streets. Not even a siren. Damn HAARP and those storms making us get out of town sooner than we should have and I missed everything.

I have a great fascination with law enforcement. Appreciate cops gunning people down who are not me. Blood is always a highlight and who does not want some real violence to watch, eh?

I even have a gun, but I left it home as I have been doing allot as I have like 3 baseball bats to handle situations, but here we have double homicide, and if I had a gun, and the storm was not trying to kill us all, I could have been in the thick of things. I could have had something really interesting to type about instead of just my day was cutting metal pipes with a grinder, which I admit I enjoyed immensely, but again, this was a Brier Batch Double Hom. Even big cities do not have that kind of thing happening down the street.

Nearest thing I had to delightful was 4 Amish children, calling their mother, MAMA, and chattering on, smiling and being little cherubs. Yes Germans are such nice people in Protestants, no thought of double homs and here the double hom was probably incubating just as I was enjoying children being innocent.

You know how it goes. Story was probably a one flavor girl and she licked the other brother's flavor, pissed, the other brother off and he offed the people who were cutting him out of the enjoyments of life. I'm really glad that I don't live in that county as I would probably be called up, get on jury duty be the foregal, and find the suspect not guilty. After all I heard in Texas, it is legal to kill your spouse for diddling and being diddled. Keeps people chaste I hear.

So what is good for Texas is good for me. Poor person already lost out on a relationship, kilt their brother and that is just enough to deal with in life. I would certainly believe that any future relationship would be faithful for the simple reasons which are two. The diddler is dead and dead cheating people tend to make people think twice about cheating on someone the first time as it would be the last.

This is all upsetting to me. I missed some entertainment, the storm will make it so I can't go find out what the hell happened, and I hope the salvage yard does not become a tourist attraction. I like it peaceful there. Today Rainman was there, but he did not talk to us as Black Steve called hims satan last time and I refused to referee the fight so he left us in peace.

Anyway, it is a shame to be that close to some excitement and to have missed it all when we were right there. I honestly don't know the last time someone got kilt in the Brier. Yeah it was a lunatic cop who shot a tard farm kid over nothing. That was long ago. Think before that it was the Natives as they were chopping up each other for a bit there.

Hey maybe I can get a good deal on the murder scene and place ads in metro papers in people can come out and take a tour and spend a night in a murder apartment. Not like anyone is going to ever stay in that thing again.

Fricking undertaker is going to make more money. Probably double cook job as poor people don't do the fancy fixings.

Sorry I got to go as the lights are flashing from the storm.

Nuff Said

