Thursday, March 24, 2022

Just a Library

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The answer is nope.

Did you see that picture of the library in Munich, Germany which I hadto implore one of my facebrook friends to pass on to you, as I was notcapable

I'm not on Facebook. They are still reviewing my documents for a decade now I think. Keep sending me emails. Keep saying I joined groups and keep alerting me to all my friends which I do not know as I never added them, are posting things.

Everyone wants what they do not have. People who have someone want alone. People who are alone want someone. We all want the situation we do not have. I am a person who will stop at one potato chip. Doing anything once is enough. Just getting to the point of accomplishment is enough as I do not need to follow through as I know the apple will fall as gravity is a constant.

The easy part of the End Times is the inertia does the work. Is easy to sit back, put your feet up and contemplate and pray that way too.

Nuff Said
