Saturday, March 26, 2022

HAARP Blow Jobs


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I happened to grab a forecast of the winds at the Brier Patch to show how HAARP has bastardized the weather. As you can see, every Goddamn day we are going to experience a north type wind or an east type wind.

This was the pattern all winter and it is IMPOSSIBLE. The wind can not blow out of the north every day, switch to the east as the front passes and then switch back to the north.

Winds generate in two patterns, a front sweep like a northwest wind which is cold hitting Texas out of Canada or a rotating wind structure around a Hi or Lo pressure. What is normal would be something like a Lo circulating counter clockwise, so you would have southern winds warming, drawing in moisture and then moving to the north or northwest in a three day pattern.

What would follow as normal would be a Hi pressure, rotating clockwise, driving in DRYING northwest winds and as the Hi passed, it would begin drawing in south winds to continue drier air which then would follow another Lo.

Hi and Lo Pressures work together for weather to bring moisture and warmth for growing things. It is impossible for the above to generate in these HAARP weather patterns as there are not any systems moving. Winds just appear in sink holes and bring in these odd weather bombs that generate out of nothing and nowhere.

It is regrettable that no one writes on this as this is weather as a weapon by weather modification and it is against Americans to crush that nation.

Even my neighbor has stopped quoting this is LaNina. This is what weather mod looks like.

Nuff Said
