Saturday, March 26, 2022

With a little Love


Russia is playing chess. The pedophile leadership of United Conglomerate America are playing with the children.

 - Lame Cherry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Larry Johnson produced an encompassing examination of Russia in Ukraine. The quote below pretty much is the end of this tale in President Vladimir Putin using hypersonic weapons wiped out the MI6 and CIA MERC forces in western Ukraine.

As this blog has stated, the only chance NATO and America have is to draw Russia into Serbia to trigger the real war, and after chewing up central Europe as the Bank of London desires in this operation, to kill Russia on the Rhine and to have their corpses littered in a trail back to Moscow where a London coup as against the Czar will assassinate Vladimir Putin in the ruins.

Question 5– Russian media reports that Russian “high precision, air-launched” missiles struck a facility in west Ukraine “killing more than 100 local troops and foreign mercenaries.” Apparently, the Special Operations training center was located near the town of Ovruch which is just 15 miles from the Polish border. What can you tell us about this incident? Was Russia trying to send a message to NATO?

Larry C. Johnson– Short answer—YES! Russian military strikes in Western Ukraine during the past week have shocked and alarmed NATO officials. The first blow came on Sunday, March 13 at Yavoriv, Ukraine. Russia hit the base with several missiles, some reportedly hypersonic. Over 200 personnel were killed, which included American and British military and intelligence personnel, and hundreds more wounded. Many suffered catastrophic wounds, such as amputations, and are in hospital. Yet, NATO and the western media have shown little interest in reporting on this disaster.

Russia used Ukraine against the cartel, meaning Russia was aware of the program to pull the plug on the United States and to start a European war, a two front war with China. Russia though is intent on building an alternative to London finance, with Saudi oil, China banks and Russian gold.

No matter the reasons, the United States has the plugged pulled on Christian America. Central Europe is to be cratered. Eastern Europe is to be a corpse pile.

Ukraine is a diversion.  Ukraine is the hammer to shatter the house of glass American economy and Biden is providing the hammer. Remember that Russia fully understands that Pedo Joe is shutting off oil like Obama did, driving up prices, in order to reward Biden's green electric car scammers. Russia can exploit this move by Bidencon by using it against America. That is the entire gambit structure of Russia. Russia has looked at the cartel's agenda, and Russia is enhancing it for it's purpose as the trolls in the West are pedo walking this to believe what they have been told that this is all against Russia.

Russia fully understands that NATO will do nothing in Ukraine, so Russia has time to exploit the avenues and to prepare the real thrust. Bidencon warns of cyber attacks. That is either Russia feeding false information or a red herring the cartel will exploit to blame Russia. Russia could not give a damn what is in American computers, because Wall Street is being pulled down and that will do more damage than any cyber attack could. Replace the Dollar with China change, and that finishes off America.

This Zellinskyy is a man whore for the cartel. The reason Russia is allowing this prostitute to star in this theater is because it assists Russia in bleeding resources from the bankrupt West. Russia saw the board was rigged against them and has been countering every move to it's advantage.

If Russia does not over extend, stays in it's sphere, reaches an agreement with Germany, France and Italy, and long balls England, Russia will gain the victory in the West and turn to the East for it's future.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

"With a Little Luck" is a song released by Paul McCartney and Wings. The song was released in March 1978 as the first single from their ...
