Thursday, March 17, 2022

Lindsey Graham vs Adolf Hitler

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

'I WISH SOMEONE KILLED HITLER IN THE 30s': Graham Not Backing Down, 'Take Out Putin'   hannity 

As one always has to take the GOP Goats at their word, the Lame Cherry asks readers to examine history to see what would have happened if Adolf Hitler was murdered in 1930.

Lindsey Graham states the world would be a better place if Hitler had not come to power or was removed from power.

Adolf Hilter led a National Socialist state. This system used taxpayer money to fund conglomerates who imported slave labor to make it cost effective. The United States does the same thing currently.

Adolf Hitler rounded up millions of people for not meeting a regime standard. As of Jan6, the Department of Justice has the FBI hunting down Americans for being Veterans, White, Conservative an Christian.

Adolf Hitler went to war with Jewish Marxists. Vladimir Putin is going to war against Jewish Nazi.
Lindsey Olin Graham is part of the Olin war machine which kept the Jewish Marxist in power In the Soviet Union and his best friend John the hero McCain put the Jewish Nazi into power in Ukraine.

Lindsey Graham has no problem when American unleashes Adolf Hitler round ups of Americans. Lindsey Graham has no problem when America installed a Nazi state to make money for his corporate family. Lindsey Graham has no problem with slave labor in the United States.

The Lame Cherry does not make the connection with Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler, but notes that Lindsey Graham has far more politically in common with Adolf Hitler by the facts.

Nuff Said

