Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Valley of Death


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Dukla is a valley in the Carpathian Mountains, which most Americans have never heard of, unless they knew of the White Walnuts trees which come from that region, which will still not survive in the northern tier of America.

Dukla was also the site of the greatest and most deadly tank battle of World War II, between the Soviet comrades and the German allies.

History is past and the dead have buried the dead. What matters in Dukla is when the Anglo Americans start World War IV, it will be the Dukla which will be the battle front again.

What I foresee is simple logic. The globalists want to bait Russia out of Russia. So the Balkin line is nyet. The Russians will drive through that. This is where history will repeat, as the Nazi's held in the line at the Carpathian mountains of Poland. It was brutal fighting, but it delayed FDR's raping Russians.

In The IV as it will be called here from now on, the Poles will be ordered by NATO to hold with the expendable Anglo Americans. They will not hold in the Carpathians, and I doubt there will be any major battles at Dukla again. Yes there will be a Russian breakout in the Carpathians, but by the time Dukla becomes a factor, the orders to fall back will have already been given.

The Russians are not limited as in World War II, to ground warfare with close air contact. The Russians have extended capabilities, and it is here that the Lame Cherry believes Russia will wheel up it's S 400 and 500 SAMS for complete air cover, and unleash their air force at Prague for a kill zone while the Russian mechanized hammers from the front.

Russia knows it can not allow columns to escape into Germany, France or Switzerland to resupply the Rhine line which is where the probable north European tank battle will take place. That means the door must be slammed shut in western Prague by Russian air force and Prague will become a killing zone with long range artillery walking the streets in grid.

This is where Poland and the Slavs die for NATO. The English special relationship with America where the English give orders and Americans die, will not extend to the Slavs. The planners have one reason for them and that is to be fodder for the Russian advance to delay it. Whatever is Poland or ever will be Poland will die at Prague. The Russians know they can not allow any escape for a disaster in death of their forces as at Berlin. This can not be urban or castle warfare. Russia will end NATO east at Prague and from that point on, it will be what is left of the fat, pedo NATO wokesters to die at the Rhine.

I post this here so you understand what the globalists intend and in how they fully intend to use up peoples in genocide. This will come to America and all other points on the globe in this reduction. Cities in your nations will become Prague too, perhaps instantly in nuclear revenge or eaten like a cancer in Chinese cannibalism.

If you still have media when this is taking place, you will hear of these places in the Carpathians and in the Czech Republic, and then realize how much I reside in the future and you should have listened.

There is death coming by design. This is a chokepoint which will be fought over as other chokepoints have for centuries.

But the English and Americans said they would protect us,
like in 1939, 1917, 18......they said that allot.

Nuff Said
