Saturday, March 19, 2022

Putin's Queen Kate takes House of London's Pawn


Remember when Vladimir makes you Queen, that it was I,
who found you as a dirty little commoner so you owe me a pony,
a palace and hair implants.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry will preface this in, I believe completely that England is the tribe of Ephraim Joseph of the Bible, in one of the Lost 10 Tribes like the Scots, thee Americans, the Danes, the French etc.... are all part of this familiar group.

There is nothing special about the English, except God calls Eprhaim His first born and God placed the throne of David in London for Christ's return. That is why England has prospered as a commonwealth and no other reason. The English are a heinous, murderous and backstabbing people. They betrayed their royal cousins in the Tsar of Moscow and the Kaiser of Germany. They have looted America and in intrigue caused millions of American deaths in world wars they Bank of London instigated and were behind Russiagate and are behind the current trouble with Russia.

The English are plague on humanity and that is an absolute fact. The troubles in America are the "English" of the coastal colonies who sold out America to the globalists. They are a reprehensible genus and there is absolutely nothing redeemable in them. Period.

With that confession and profession stated, this white paper is about the coming World War IV, of the Russians, Chinese and Persian Islamists, arrayed for mass slaughter against Europeans, Americans, Asians, so that London in the Great Game India, can rule the ashes again.

The reason I bring up the roots of the English is the fact that they are not special, no more than the Channel protects them. That is the great myth. If you look at the history below, from 43 AD to 1066 AD in the year of our Lord, there were 3 absolute invasions and conquering of the English. The last in 1066 by the Normans rooted out their English monarchy and replaced it with the Reubenites of France who are another tribe of Israel.

As you read the links, consider the fallacy of England can not be invaded and beat. Meet you on the other side.

With the Roman Conquest in 43 AD came the first written records of England's history. Julius Caesar had of course paid earlier visits to Britain in 55 and ...

How Angles, Saxons and Jutes arrived in Britain. Ecclesiastic history of England by Venerable Bede (Old English: Bǣda 672 – 735).

The Norman Conquest (or the Conquest) was the 11th-century invasion and occupation of England by an army made up of thousands of Normans, Bretons, Flemish, ...

In "modern" history, there were 3 attempts to invade England. The Spanish tried and were broken up. Napoleon of the French had an entire force assembled, but his opportunity was thwarted when the Tsar of Moscow joined Austria in the east to attack the French Empire.

Adolf Hitler after the Wehrmacht's stunning victory over the Poles, English, French and Dutch, readied a plan to invade England too, but the same problems existed of the Royal Navy as for the Spanish and French and Reich Marshall Herman Goering promised that his air force could force the English to terms. The Lame Cherry submits that in the Spanish, French and Germans, that it was the Lord God Who protected the English from invasion and defeat, not the Royal Navy, as the English were saved by the hand of God because of that throne in London which housed Jacob's Pillar Stone.

That is why in configuring orders of battle in World War IV, the Lame Cherry is mystified why the Chinese focus on Taiwan and the Pacific Islands. That is not the Chinese strength and Japan proved that lost the war. 

The same is true with Russia. Russia keeps being goaded into Ukraine, Georgia and it will be the Balkans too. All that will accomplish is give the English time to sucker the United States to bleed for London again. Both China and Russia's enemy causing them their problems is London, not DC. Adolf Hitler understood this in taking all pains to not involve America in the European War. He knew his problem was London and their communist pawns in Moscow.

Therefore in understanding the "head of the serpent" in this World War IV, logic in the order of battle should not be to begin at Kiev, Serbia or Poland. Where Russia should begin is with the English. China should begin with the English. Eliminate England and all of the intrigue against the world ends, and Moscow and Peking manifest their destinies without the House of London pulling America into another global war.

This blog has laid out a Chinese order of battle which begins in Indonesia if the Chinese are serious about winning a global war. The Chinese ally with Pakistan against India, and this is where the European theater of battle opens, as Londonstan is overloaded with Pakistani Muslims.Peking through Karachi, therefore enlists Black London to burn down White London to give the English police state something to deal with, as phase 2 is initiated.

Phase II is a simple programme in China sends 10 million tourists to Europe. Namely Denmark, France, Spain, the Netherlands, and these tourists stuff their backpacks full of food for a month and by ferry boat, plane and Chunnel appear in England as the Chinese Russian 5th column.

Give London Pakistani Muslims rampaging like Obama's BLM and ANTIFA across England, joined by Chinese tourists to eat England, and Phase 3 appears in this rapidl developing order of battle.

China has massive container shipping, so China loads it's containers with war material and PLA warriors. These convoys make port from Oslo to Amsterdam to Lisbon, and with Russian submarines clear the waters for a landing of 1 million PLA troops.

The Russians with long range bombers and Speznat commandos obliterate English air cover and interdict the English response. England thus marshaled against would be obliterated in under 24 hours.

With this reality completed, the House of Mountbatten would be replaced if Charles did not desire to be the main course in some Chinese soup, with some Babylonian Jewish king at the end of that nation.

America would be deprived of it's land base to launch a counter attack as a staging area, and Russia would move seize Gibraltar and Suez with the African Islands in the Atlantic.
China would complete the stroke by marching into Turkey for the Balkans, and Russia would roll across Ukraine  and Poland, for a decisive battle at Prague, and offer terms of peace to France, Netherlands, Germany and Scandinavia, leaving America with it's corrupt English lackeys to ponder how to wear out their military on 5000 mile sorties, in a world where everyone was signing peace treaties to stop World War IV.

Spain knew that it had to kill England to win and do it first. Napoleon understood this too. Hitler in his benevolence knew this, but delayed attacking London until it was too late. Russia therefore and China in this white paper, must first strike London the coup de grace, and in so doing the rest of the world will celebrate peace by dividing up the spoils of the Bank of London and ending the intrigue and blackmail of the Great Game.

In two world wars, the House of London promised the House of New York to rule the world. Instead what took place was America was bankrupted after World War I, America had it's profits looted after World War II, and now America is having it's houses overthrown as a slave state. Russia should point out that New York should pretend it can not hasten to die for London in the Russian Chinese invasion of the island and simply confiscate those trillions as ........ an inheritance discovered when the Mountbattens come to heel under the Russians.

The Chinese have been slaughtered an enslave by London. The Russians have been slaughtered and enslaved by London. Thee Americans have been slaughtered and are being enslaved by London to be genocided in World War IV against Moscow and Peking.

Is it not time that President Vladimir Putin protect the world and appoint Queen Kate as Regent of England and the world can return to healthy competition in what Theodore Roosevelt espoused for the peaceful advancement of humanity?

The answer is yes. Let Russian Orthodox Vladimir Putin find out if God will help the Russians and Chinese in an invasion of England, when Mr. Putin continues the throne of Christ with Kate as Regent. The alternative for Russia, China and America is fighting this genocide Great Eurasian War  where the survivors will wipe their asses with the ashes of their neighbors remains as London once again eats cake.

Not anywhere in the Bible does God say that Ephraim gets to rob, slaughter and enslave his brother Manasseh America. Not anywhere does it state that Ephraim gets to start world wars and profit off the slaughter of millions of Eurasians.

It is time to put the case before the Almighty and witness His Judgment.

 Vladimir, I'm sorry I killed my cousin the Tsar, sorry I was 
behind the slaughter of millions of Russians and I am sorry I tried 
to get America to kill you. I'm reformed now, and I can answer Kate's mail,
do her dishes, do her laundry and walk the dog.....and ah, here are the 
20 trillion we stole from Russia.

Nuff Said

