Saturday, March 19, 2022

Zellinskyy The Polish Jew

Instead, the Czech and Slovenian officials flew into Rzeszow Jasionka,  the nearest airport to Przemysl; the airfield is also a NATO logistics and security base. They then drove to Przemysl. There the Ukrainians had despatched one of the luxury versions of the regular train service between Przemysl, Lvov, and Kiev.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that the Jew acting President of Ukraine has been caught in another staged fiction. He also by his appearance in POLAND proves that western Ukraine is not secure, and that the leaders of other Slavic states will not go near that theater. Instead Zellinskyy is not in Kiev with all his American Congressional and Canadian Parliament appearances (Why is the US Congress allowing itself to be made fools of?) is part of one of the worst propaganda events in history.

Morawiecki and the western press were lying – there was no meeting in Kiev. Instead, the meeting was staged at the Polish rail junction town of Przemysl, 95 kilometres west of Lvov (Lviv), and 20 kms inside the Polish frontier with the Ukraine.

In a report published by the Associated Press (AP) bureau in Warsaw, “the long journey over land from Poland to Kyiv by Morawiecki, Poland’s deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Prime Ministers Petr Fiala of the Czech Republic and Janez Jansa of Slovenia sent the message that most of Ukraine still remains in Ukrainian hands.”

The evidence gathered from sources in Warsaw and from analysis of the videos and photographs published on the meeting proves there was no “long journey”; no meeting in Kiev or in Lvov, the Galician region capital, which is the operating headquarters of the Ukrainian government. From the evidence provided by the Poles and also by Zelensky’s publicity staff, it is now clear that only a small part of western Ukraine remains in Ukrainian hands.  Zelensky himself is now in Polish hands

For the record. Zellinskyy is not the Ukrainian Jew. He is by location a Polish Jew.

Why is the United States risking nuclear bombs on it's People for a Jewish Zellinskyy who is not loyal enough to Ukraine to stay in Ukraine.

Nuff Said
