Friday, March 18, 2022

Refrain palace sinner


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not present you the Word of the Lord, but the reading of Jeremiah the Prophet in warning to Zedekiah the installed king of what was left of the kingdom of Judah in the days of Babylon's sacking, raping, burning, looting and enslaving the land.

The Lame Cherry tells the leaders of the West to make peace with Russia, unless your hunger turn to famine, your want into emptiness and your cities will not be burned with BLM and ANTIFA fires funded by your conglomerates, but by nuclear plumes.

Make peace with Russia, unless the Muslim and Chinese hordes become armies of canker and cancers to eat all you have.

You have made your peoples ignorant and cowed. They accept all for the 20 pieces you offer. You do not even pay a slave's price but have auctioned them for that of an animal.

The End Times engulf and no Klaus Schwab is going to hide in splendor in the Day of the Lord. Darkness will fill all their inner recesses and the Light of the Lord will scorch them there. Your bunkers will be your tombs.

Let God's heritage go. Set them free from the debts you have chained them to. You have robbed God of this People. Set them free for this chain reaction set, will not cease in the nuclear clump, but will void the  greater and lower all the same.

Men will become scarce. People will plough the city. The coyote, wolf, jackal, owl and crow will cry in the ruins like the ghosts in the howling winds echoing through broken pains.

Make peace with the Russian. Make not a slaughter of the Protestant Christian east or west. Preserve them as your protector instead of their cries become the gaseous flame to the Wrath of the Lord. Preserve them so that when the prison of Gehenna is your abode that the coals of that gaol.......

Put not the Prophet in prison, Hinder not the message. Consume not with the arrogance of your inquity and the treaty of Faust with the destroyer. Great things will come. Great harms. It will all visit into the inner abode.

Do not declare the false peace, for then war will come. War with end that ends all of your mischief in the made. Yesteday there was the plantation. Today there is the prison. Tomorrow rends the morgue.

Rehearse the words you gods of two legs. Murmur them you whores of abaddon. Go fetal curl you prophets of lies. All of you have sold that which was not yours to destruction. Self destruction is your making.

Make peace with the Russian unless the anti Christian fulfills.

Refrain you sinners.

Yesteday there was the plantation. Today there is the prison. Tomorrow rends the morgue.


