Friday, March 18, 2022



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While looking for a picture of crackers, the above photo came up, and I thought I would involve you in an exercise in which there are not any right or wrong answers, as this is about your genetics in personal preferences, and as I have recorded previously, people's ideas of what is appealing will actually change daily to several times a week. This fascinates me in the hormones and whatever is a work in the human perception which causes different appeal at different times.

At first glance, the above four women all appear attractive as a collective. Now though let us begin looking at individuals in comparing them.

What about their eyes?

I will now inform you that I adjusted the order, so you can not be influenced by your first glimpse of these women.

What is interesting in my prejudice and bias, is my preference is for the first eyes, not because she is first, but because her eyes are focused and concentrated. This fascinates me, as in her whole package, I found this woman the least appealing.
Thoughts influence in reference too in the 3rd set of eyes remind me of Kid Rock and Kid Rock as a woman is not appealing.

Now what about their lips?

My personal preference is the second set of lips. The choice is for the deeper red lips as the pale lips seem sickly. I wonder why a Christmas brood would not have deep red lipstick, but the choice was to feature the red of the costumes than the women. 
The smile of this woman is also the most appealing, whether this was due to the darker lips, I'm not going to invest the time in shading to figure this out.

Now what about their colour?

These photos are from these women's thighs.

My immediate attraction is to the 3rd skin tone in healthy pink. That puzzles me as from childhood on, I had a dislike for my blonde blue eyed and light skin toned relatives and was most comfortable with people with dark hair and eyes.

Lastly, what about their legs?

My choice is number 3. The least attractive is the first woman and I think number four is the next most attractive and the 3rd is the woman with the striped stockings.

I could ask you about their feet and the first and fourth seem to have honking feet while the 3rd gal has the most petite so I prefer petite in feet.

Now for the analysis of me which is surprising and you can do the same.

Overall at first prejudice, I preferred the fourth woman. As a woman she seemed the most trustworthy. What appealed most in the visual was her colour.  This is interesting to me, as I never picked anything about her when segmented out.

Instead, while Kid Rock was rejected as the whole and not even in parts, I did not like the open round features of the second woman as they telegraph ditz to me and the second woman seemed sinister and untrustworthy. Yet I picked #2 twice in mouth and eyes. I picked #3 twice in skin colour and legs.

So the people I rejected when dissected, were the ones I preferred. The woman as a whole I did not like dissected and the Kid Rock, she never had any appeal in either form.

There are not any right or wrong answers in this, but if one examines the forensic psychology of this in what I related, I'm focused on the issue of trust and of the will to accomplish an objective. I do not trust driven people with power and I do not trust ditzes to not cause problems. That is what these women in #2 and #3 said to me. I actually would choose #1 and #4 to accomplish the task and could be trusted to complete that task.

This is how men and women "think" in assessing others in what is of value for the moment. If you asked a man about reproduction, they would most likely focus on the woman with the largest breasts as a milk source to feed their child as a choice. These assessments are rapid and yet the very case will be at times that you make prejudiced and biased choices in visual, and as more information in interaction is presented and known, oddly you have people choosing people for friends who do not fit those prejudices and they marry people who are not their "type", because scents play a role in this, as much as in intimate contact, touch as much as the nuances of which speak to the inner person, those things that touch the inner child often become the deciding factor, then what we see becomes a thing of the heart and soul as the designing factor as to our choices.

Humans soon begin trading off on what their qualifications they have to their assessments of availability.

You hopefully have some insights into you, from your looking at others. Learning who you are with real information is something which helps in making you a more complete person.

Now you can let off from having your mind hurt in pondering the information of you, unless you are shallow and have focused on the revelations about me, which have zero affect on who you are in this growth process.

Nuff Said
