Monday, March 14, 2022

Shylock Russia


Vladimir, I'm a crooked Jew, of course you can trust me,
as you are the highest bidder.

In addition, a number of private jets have reportedly traveled from Russia to Israel in recent days.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you want to know the two dirtiest ass regimes involved in the Russia Ukraine event, you have to look no further than Tel Aviv and London. It is hilarious to read the stories of Prime Minister Bennett arising as mediator between Putin and Zellinskyy, while tons of money literally are being moved out of Russia and into Israel. This is a golden opportunity to be the bag men for Russia now that Bidencorp has mandated sanctions.

You are not getting this yet I suppose in Pedo Joe Biden put in sanctions, to crimp the Russian cash flow, so that a clever nation could launder the money for a massive cut and make out like bandits.

Do you remember Bill Clinton put sanctions on Iraq and Saddam Hussein. and then do you remember Marc Rich who Eric Holder got Clinton to pardon? Rich was the Jewish bagman who was laundering billions of sanctioned Iraqi dollars. The Clintons got like a 60 million dollar cut.

You think your paying gas is due to sanctions. High gas prices like under Obama is Biden's electric car cronies are going to make those worthless items and you will be forced to buy them. It is the same thing with these sanctions. This was all set up to constrict Russian money, so that a go between would be able to launder it for Russia for immense profits.

Israel's Bennett emerges as key mediator between Putin and Zelensky

Victoria Nuland at the State Department, who entered Ukraine with 5 billion dollars, overthrew that Government from Russia a decade ago, is now threatening the Jews to stop laundering Russian money by the plane load.
Do you understand that like Paul Manafort got into trouble about Ukraine money, that Nuland represents the nation rapists who have been plundering Ukraine like Hunter and Joe Biden......and they do not want the Jews cutting them out of the Russian money as that is what shit is all about. They Klaus Schwab after Russia's gold.

The US warned Israel on Friday against taking in “dirty money” from Russia and called on Jerusalem to join Western sanctions to punish the Kremlin for its invasion of Ukraine.

Londongrad: How London became home to a lot of Russian oligarch money – HotAir   hotair 

I thought these Goddamn Tel Aviv Ashkenaz when they were taking a cut off the US Treasury money dumped into the US stock markets had gotten enough money as they stopped the massive dope drops into America and other shit, but sure as a Jew is a Shylock, here comes another manufactured crisis and here are the Jews pretending to negotiate, when the real scam is Moscow dumping cash into Tel Aviv.

London was pulling the same shit as the link above proves. The Jews need Rothschild banks to launder this tons of cash and one of those banks is in London. It is like fucking eh though, in these wokester Americans set all this shit up to get Putin's cash and are now cut out of the cut.

You always have a war when the crooks get pissed off and start robbing each other.

Vladimir Putin is smart in taking the Jewish offer. The Americans wokesters are now pissed at the Tel Aviv Jews. Those fractures can only help Russia and that is why Vladimir Putin did it

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
