Monday, March 14, 2022

Why stalk and pick on the Pretty Girl?

Leave Carrie Madej in peace or I'll be back
- Valiant Thor

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK, this is what I heard on Rense, and I was not paying that close of attention, but the gist of this is what happened.

So Rense had on Erika Khan, the biologist, which is not much of a degree compared to physicists and engineers, who is the expert who is trotted out on all things vax. As the vax is fading, so will Erika Khan.

The thing is Rense was praising some no name Jew podcast, for dissing Dr. Carrie Madej after she appeared on that platform, and provided evidence on the critter in the vaxes.

 This has been a burr in the butt of Jeff Rense and Erika Khan, in she keeps fixating on this is contamination. She does not provide any evidence in the history of the world WHAT THIS CREATURE IS OR CONTAMINANT as it has never been witnessed before. That little mountain of detail is never discussed.

The thing is, then the dissing went into the twilight zone. The inference was that Dr. Carrie Madej is a filthy whore. She has dogs all over her house an this is inferred as to the cause of the contamination.

OK now for some pictures.

This is as close as I could get to Erika Khan as a likeness.

This is real close to Dr. Carrie Madej as she is this person, although I have witnessed her with large comforting breasts, her bra strap out on her shoulder in an oversized sweatshirt and she is attractive as Q Peters only has hot babes on his DIA program.

This is Dr. Madej's critter. This is what Erika Khan says is a contaminant as she keeps saying these drug companies are filthy like Carrie Madej. 
Yes there are problems in some labs, but I heard a guest on Rense state the labs were state of the art and pure...........Rense must have been typing or emailing as he never responded to that fact, or it did not register that Erika Khan was just exposed as being a brainless expert.

I did some checking. This is what animal hair looks like. Nothing like the charge that Dr. Carrie Madej is a filthy whore with her bitch dogs shedding inside medical experiments. So the expert telling us that this was from a dog is another fraud.

I could show you photos of fleas, mites, ticks and other critters on dogs, but none of them look like Carrie Madej's critter. So this is not dog or anything else as the expert dissing Carrie Madej.

What is odd in this is this vax and coof is toast. Yet it was important enough for Jeff Resne and Erika Khan to gangstalk Carrie Madej and smear her and get the Jews to put her appearance into the crematoria ovens.

As the Lame Cherry has stated previously, this all looks like the greys at work on Rense. This is the Greys and Immortals at war with the DIA over the control of the human soul. It appears the Greys put this critter into the serum to neutralize what the Immortals are engaged in with their Moderna vax.

Rense challenges a great deal about "there are no more critters to be found." Jeff Rense is a smart turnip. He would not state this if the Greys had not stopped dispersing this critter. Erika Khan still harps about graphene too in clouding the issue, which again projects the Greys do not want people focused on their critters or graphene.

I go back to George Filer who took UFO rides with the Nordic babes and married one who he said looked like a Nordic. He said that if a person was too attractive, it probably meant they were of this demonic order. (He calls them aliens). Carrie Madej when dolled up certainly is more attractive than most, so the question is, are the Nordics working with the Pentagon which they always have or are colluding with the Immortals on their vax to undo the Greys in their Germanic Pfizer vax of the devil.

As Jesus said, a house divided can not stand, so I doubt anyone is dividing the house of satan, probably just ...well you know that is really not divided as the Nordics help the US military and German Wehrmacht so humanity soul enslaved to difference divisions is not divided but the slave camp.

If Rense and Khan had left this shit alone, I would not be wondering about it. Now I wonder why Carrie Madej is being stalked as Vladimir Putin ended Vax Tyranny by entering Ukraine. What Carrie Madej is doing or making a living doing is not hurting anyone, unless of course she is exposing something a faction has put into some humans, like the Queen Egg while the rest get the drones.

I don't like people ganging up on people, nor do I condone smearing people when they have to make a living, as I do not want to pay more in taxes to feed Nordics as I got enough money robbed from me for all these human aliens from Mexican and Muslimstan dumped into America.

Just something to consider as the vax is gone, the coof is kaput, but we still got them Goddamned Greys, them Nordics, the Immortals and the DIA lurking about preying on humanity.

Nuff Said
