Sunday, March 13, 2022

Something could be finer than to be in South Carolina

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has been a puzzling trend in South Carolina in earthquakes. Most people do not think of the state as that active, and it really is not, as it averages 10 a year, but for the past 4 months you can see that South Carolina has had a flurry of smallish earthquakes.

 1 day ago 2.2 magnitude, 3 km depth

 6 days ago 1.8 magnitude, 2 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 1 month ago 1.8 magnitude, 2 km depth
CordovaNorth CarolinaUnited States
 1 month ago 2.1 magnitude, 1 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 1 month ago 1.9 magnitude, 4 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 1 month ago 1.9 magnitude, 4 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 1 month ago 1.8 magnitude, 3 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 1 month ago 1.7 magnitude, 6 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 1 month ago 2.0 magnitude, 3 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 1 month ago 1.7 magnitude, 5 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 2 months ago 1.5 magnitude, 6 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 2 months ago 2.6 magnitude, 0 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 2 months ago 2.5 magnitude, 2 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 2 months ago 2.4 magnitude, 3 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 2 months ago 2.5 magnitude, 2 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 2 months ago 2.3 magnitude, 1 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 2 months ago 1.7 magnitude, 4 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 2 months ago 2.1 magnitude, 0 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 2 months ago 2.5 magnitude, 2 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States
 2 months ago 3.3 magnitude, 3 km depth
LugoffSouth CarolinaUnited States

There is a major fault line which runs from Georgia into Virginia which no one pays much attention to. the reality is though that the largest earthquake recorded in the America South was in South Carolina with a magnitude 7 in 1886.

These appear to be prelude quakes as since January the expected aftershocks kept continuing on. There is something moving the plate in South Carolina.

I have not inquired on this. In geological terms, the soil in South Carolina is 2 miles deep in sand and clay, which becomes a problem when the earth shakes as it wobbles and becomes liquid. It also make sink holes.

My main concern is that South Carolina has one nuclear power station at Catawba, It is north of Greenville on the North Carolina border and sits on water. There have been quakes in that area, and a big quake in this kind of soil is going to be a problem, as Canada even felt that magnitude 7 quake due to the soil structure in the eastern United States.

South Carolina is not the only rift zone on the east coast. New York sits on a massive fault line which is long overdue and it will produce a massive earthquake. The geologists are puzzled as to what is happening in South Carolina in being this active. It is a reality of the times.

This is just something to be aware of, as all is not Ukraine nor Stock Markets. Nature has an upheaval taking place with all that evil being unleashed. Not scientfic, but true.

Nuff Said
