Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Non Fiction Section of Biological Weapons


Tucker - The Pentagon's Ukraine BioLab
Talking Points Are An Utter Lie

Russia and US accuse each other of lying about bioweapons labs in Ukraine

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the reality that like Wuhan China, the permanent regime in America and Pentagon were funding biological weapon creation in China, and now with the discovery that this same regime had ringed China and Russia with biological "research labs" as Victoria Nuland has identified them as, as all information is being scrubbed.............and all this is being discounted as science fiction, there does need to be more than charges and counter charges, in was the United States permanent regime, Anti Slavic Biological Weapons which would only exterminate the Russia Species?

US Biolabs In Ukraine Created Bioweapons To Target Certain Ethnic Groups

The Russian Defense Ministry stated on Thursday that one of the objectives of the US funded biological research laboratories in Ukraine was the development of bioweapons having the capability of targeting specific ethnic groups.

The first hints of genetic bioweapons appeared around 2000 AD in the year of our Lord, when reports started leaking that the same Jewish biological weapon's research facility connected to the Saudi Arabian SAARS outbreak, had developed an Arab Bomb, meaning a biological weapon which would only exterminate Arabs and not Ashkenaz Asians.

Since this information appeared, it has been dismissed and yet reports still surface that such weapons do exist. Reports from Vladimir Putin himself discussing their development, the regime in South Africa creating them and Rhodesia using old mass killer biologicals as Cholera to exterminate enemies.

 In 2012, for example, Russian President Vladimir Putin intimated to his defense minister that he should plan to develop weapons based on new principles, including genetics.

Another concern is that gene editing may make it easier to carry out targeted assassinations. Conceivably, a government might edit the genes of a deadly virus so that it would affect only a single target based on his or her genetic code. This capability does not yet exist, but it might become possible with time and effort. Nonetheless, as the biosecurity expert Gigi Gronvall has noted, given the prevalence of far easier methods of assassination, states may decide that developing and testing such a weapon is not worth the time, effort, and cost.

A related fear is that advances in gene editing could allow scientists to develop biological weapons capable of discriminating among target populations based on ethnic, racial, or other genetically defined characteristics. According to Gronvall, these so-called ethnic weapons would be tricky to design and test, and any target population would likely have considerable overlap with nontarget populations. Still, the world is only in the early stages of the biotechnology revolution, and biological weapons have been used in ethnic and racial conflicts before. In the 1970s, for example, Rhodesia’s intelligence agency introduced cholera into wells in areas held by black nationalist guerillas. And in 1981, the apartheid government of South Africa launched Project Coast, which is believed to have looked into biological means to assassinate opponents. According to some accounts, researchers with Project Coast also discussed plans to selectively administer an antifertility vaccine to black women. These examples give reason to monitor the threat of targeted biological weapons.

As we are told that biological weapons are science fiction, someone should inform US Army Pess, the Carnegie Endowment and the British Guardian press, as all were not just discussing genus specific biological weapons, which mirrored Coronavius Wuhan, but the military was involved in discussing something even more advanced in, chemical weapons which actually killed nationalities or races, as much as ants and wasps use different insecticides.

So these Biocide Weapons are a reality and when the United States is expending so much energy to call this all fiction, the reality is groups who are well established as mainstream have been expounding upon the reality of this, from individual assassination weapons built on peronsal DNA, to chemical weapons which blocked gene function in each target race and biological weapons which would only target specific DNA links which makes a Russian look different from an Ethiopian.

Race traits are a reality. Blue eyes, Brown hair, lactose tolerance in Europeans, Brown skin, all are basic attributes of certain races. This was not the weaponization field I was involved in, but in planning projections on cause and effect brainstorming, any government agency will approach any corporate structure as ask "Is this possible?". Sometimes this is DARPA inside and sometimes like Edward Snowden it is contracted out. The conglomerate contact, which usually is part of the revolving door of business and government in the management section, brings the request in, and then the engineers in various fields are asked the "What if", and conglomerates only hire R &D which can make the impossible possible, and the biological engineer would say something like, "We have CRISPR. We can splice HIV into Coronaviruses. We have the genome mapped. If you want to kill Russians, we know they are one of the Three Mothers genus. They belong to a group of Caucasians in a genus with blue eyes. We can track the majority DNA database in their ethnics routing of paternal and maternal parentage as does, and with that we may not be able to kill every Russian, but with these routing sequences, a virus, mechanical or biological could be overlaid to recognize this group as a host to replicate in, and replication is a disease, so the answer is, Yes we can do this as the means and material are all available".

That is what a meeting sounds like, whether it is for next Generation Aircraft or Toilets in Space or the real subject of bioweapons.

Apr 17, 2018 ... Still, the world is only in the early stages of the biotechnology revolution, and biological weapons have been used in ethnic and racial ...

Forthcoming chemical agents with selective manstopping power will put into the hands of an assailant a weapon with which he cannot be attacked. At the bottom of ...

Jul 24, 2021 ... Big data, artificial intelligence and gene synthesis are being misused to create racially specific bioweapons and a super race (the old Nazi ..

The above is not science fiction, so someone is lying on thee Ameican side and as the permanent regime lied constantly over Covid, there is a precedent in that.

Nuff Said
