Saturday, March 26, 2022

Spooling Up: What Hour is for American Destruction?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm sharing a letter from Russell Donbass Bentley for a reason, and with the caveat, I have read he is a communist. I will explain why I'm sharing this letter at the end.

Here are some photos from what America has been supporting in Ukraine, the slaughter of innocent Russian Ukrainian civilians by Zellinskyy.

In the meantime, here in the city center, we have water and electricity most of the ti

me, food is plentiful and still reasonably priced, gas prices are stable at about $2 per gallon. My car also runs on propane, which is 30 rubles per liter, which is just over a dollar a gallon.(Think about that next time you fill up your car.) Lyudmila and I work about 16 hours a day, and are beyond exhausted, but we keep on keeping on, because we love our work and believe in what we are doing. Working this much is hard on the body, but good for the soul. For every bad thing that happens, something good does too, and though, thank God, nothing very bad has happened to us (yet), some very good things have. So, we are OK and will be OK, and persevere. Thanks to God.

Russia has food, financial and energy security. It has the best military in the world, and the world's most powerful ally, China. The EU is finally beginning to understand that the US is a fake friend and a real enemy, and the EU is finally starting to act accordingly. There will be a MAJOR food crisis in Europe this year, and almost certainly in the US as well. The EU will be begging Russia for food and energy before this year is over, and Russia will probably help, on the condition that they normalize relations with Russia and cut political, military and economic ties with the USA. And the EU will do it if they're smart, and they will do it even if they are stupid, because they will have no other choice if they want to survive. The Middle East, Africa and even South America are moving closer to Russia every day. The US will be as isolated as it is well-deservedly hated, and the dollar will soon crumble to worthlessness. PREPARE.

I am sorry for the one or two percent of US citizens who are not zombie shit-eaters, hopefully they have prepared and have refuge and can stick together and help each other out. As for the other 98%, they will reap what they have sown, and get exactly what they have asked for and deserve, and to be honest, I will not be too sorry to see them starve or see them burn. Yes, I have human compassion, for humans, but these are not humans, they are zombies who have sold their souls for a Big Mac and a big screen TV, who are the absolute personification of M. Scott Peck's definition of Evil - "Militant ignorance". Of course, I love mercy, but I love justice even more. So let it be what it will be. And don't forget to say your prayers.

Good luck to all good people. May God protect the innocent, and may the rest of us get everything we deserve.
Best regards from the People's Republic, see ya soon in Kiev. DAVAI!

Russell "Texas" Bentley

I have seen photos of Mr. Bentley before but did not really pay that much attention to him until this series and it struck me how much he looks like my dad. The more I look at him, the more he looks a great deal like my Grandma's side of the family.

So my reason for sharing the Bentley Update are the words of this seer, which mirror exactly what Russell Bentley stated above.

Wolfgang Johannes Bekh on the Seer of Waldviertel --

"He saw, however, not only the downfall of New York, but also he saw himself with other people of his village standing side by side and commenting on the event. So this is to be the "great revenge" of the terrorists, he heard them say. Certainly, what the Americans had done was not pretty. Even so, for someone to therefore immediately destroy an entire city, that was decidedly going too far! So the people spoke.

I saved and archived all of these seers years ago into my email accounts and now it is difficult to locate all of them. This one especially in Austria Germany.

I will go through these seers again and publish them hopefully in the next weeks, as their time lines had unspooled, but what it manifesting now is spooling all of this up again.

It is the sorriest state of the treachery which has destroyed America, that Ukraine in Donbass has better supplies, security and living conditions than the United States from this point on.

Nuff Said

