Saturday, March 26, 2022

...and now for something sexy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across the definition or moron in listening to Jeff Rense in the director of ALIPAC, the fine organization trying to keep America safe from legalized invasion. As you can see they have failed, so that point is mute, but it is certain one of the problems for the failure is this William Gheen.

A moron is a person of subnormal intelligence. Then again so is a cretin, a half wit, and an imbecile, but you almost have to see the creature to know they are a retard, as retard is like from birth, a half wit is like someone dropped on their head or their parents were related, an imbecile is kind of both of the above in dropping a tard on their heads or locking them in closet for 18 years, while a cretin is kind of a genetic low DNA, and idiot is like the brain did not develop in France and a moron is just someone who is ignorant and thinks they have some kind of intelligence.

Maybe William Gheen could be entertaining if you enjoyed watching a dim bulb having pigeons shit on their face while looking up at a statue, but William Gheen is just painful.

I have listened to his absolute incompetence on things like the vax, and why someone who is supposed to be a border buster expert is always offering judgments on things he has no idea, I have no idea other than he is a moron, and it does not help hearing Jeff Rense just chew this dumb asses ass. He is like a mule in you beat him on the head with facts, and he just takes it and nothing changes in his mind.

Gheen was most expectant that Governor Gavin Newsom would be recalled. Yeah not one modicum of insight in stolen elections in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord and Newsom cheating again in no one voted to recall him.

No matter in that, as Gheen had moved on to other subjects like last night in Chronic Wasting Disease in deer, elk, moose etc...  Jeff Rense had been talking about it in alerts were being issued on it, so Gheen adds his grandfather at brains with scrambled eggs and then went on to say there were lots of deer diseases which came and went. Rense cut him down with CWD does not ebb and flow, it is a chronic problem and animals die in greater numbers.

I try to think of the comments of Gheen but they are so stupid that I'm blocking them out. He is non stop talking in that Southern accent, the stupid one, with his coon hunting tree stump advice, that sounds like that shit that is in the movies that have Blacks in the script to offer sage advice to White folks like, "Yessum, you could have won that race if your car had gone faster".

For some reason east coast Whites who hired Negress in their homes to raise their children, and schools hired janitors to talk to creepy children who no one would play with, and later became celebrities, all are fused at 8 years old and think that advice like, "Yessum, if more people liked you like I do, you would have friends". That plays well with stupid sociopathic children, but normal people grow up and figure out how Goddamn stupid that Nigger talk was in 3rd grade.

William Gheen has it down though. He also after Rense raised funds for ALIPAC,revealed that he has some mug from some person he listens to, and drinks not so much coffee but now tea from it, as he is part of the mug club, and he donates money to other worthless shills behind the curve in all of these subjects................and to the point, Gheen apparently does not listen to Jeff Rense who is pretty cutting edge, but listens to the trolls who appeal to half wits. Yes appear on Rense for money you squander, but listen to the competition who give ignorance it's bliss.

Honestly, the only reason I had him on last night 10/13/2021 AD in the year of our Lord is we had horrid weather, was a too long day, and I sat down to see what Rense was featuring and I was just waiting for Gheen to disappear so I could hear what Joel Skoursen had to say which was not much. Gheen though reached the epitome of being the summation of all misundestanding reality. He has no original thought as other low wits provide that for him, an then he lectures the informed as the expert and he gets it all wrong.

I had to look up this president of ALIPAC and yes he looks like his IQ and DNA, but he really does not sound like he looks. I would have expected a more robust voice from a fat man, but then Rush Limbaugh was that high pitched raisin sized testicle voice genre too.

I know it is almost impossible with Q Peters to fill space on fringe media, but the great Mario Lanza on for an hour singing would be less of a burden on the mind.

I really want to get that Student Prince movie, good German fare and performed in a sprite fashion.

Anyway, this Gheen is a reason I will not click when he is on. I find fringe radio is pretty good. Rense is like Jack Parr in just talking to people and no time constraints, so you get the story which you are supposed to hear. 

William Gheen really belongs on Coast to Coast, something I never listen to in Mockingbird any more as he is that Steve Quayle genius which George Noury reflects so well.

Nuff Said
