Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Natural Order of Things


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I read commentary on Russian President Vladimir Putin issuing an ominous mandate for Russia, I wonder why it is not ominous when Hillary Clinton calls Americans deplorables or Mitch McConnell calls Americans terrorists, as Attorney General Merrick Garland uses the FBI to hunt down millions of Americans as much as Lloyd Austin of the DOD flushes White Americans from the US military?

It is always vital to understand what the thinking of anyone is who has nuclear bombs that Dictator Biden is trying to get to launch at Europe or America.

Russia is actually discovering who the American and English disinformation operatives are in Russia and are in the process of arresting them. This should not be alarming to Americans as calls for Tucker Carlson to be arrested and Mitt Romney calling Tulsi Gabbard a traitor, so what is ominous in Russia is just democracy in America apparently.

Psychologically Russia is circling the wagons. What is good for Russia is good for Ukraine. This virus of russomania is going to be injected into the Baltic states.  The love is going to be felt in this lovefest for sometime.

Read the quote to see what President Putin is leading Russia forward into, a Russia for Russians. For those who are phobic of this, is America then superior in erasing Americans and replacing them with foreigners?

Just what is the difference in two evils, or one good and one evil, one evil judging the other as evil or one good protecting itself from evil?

Meet you on the other side.

Read the original article on Business Insider.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a speech Wednesday that Russia should undergo a "self-cleaning of society" to get rid of the "bastards and traitors" as thousands of Russians try to flee the country amid its invasion into Ukraine. 

"The collective West is attempting to splinter our society," Putin said in a video address shared on Twitter. "Speculating on military losses, on socio-economic effects of sanctions, in order to provoke a people's rebellion in Russia."

"But any people, the Russian people especially, are able to distinguish true patriots from bastards and traitors, and will 'spit them out,'" he said of those who do not back the Kremlin. 

"I am certain that this necessary and natural self-cleaning of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, togetherness, and our readiness to answer any calls to action," Putin said.

Putin explained that he is not "judging those with villas in Miami or the French Riviera" or those "who cannot live without foie gras and mussels or so called gender-based rights" as long as they are "mentally" with Russia. 

"The problem does not lie in this, but I repeat, the fact that many of these people inherently, mentally live elsewhere and not here with us, with our people, with Russia," Putin said. 

"This is, in their opinion ... a belonging to the higher caste, the higher race," he said. 

Meanwhile, thousands of Russians are attempting to flee the country following Putin's February 24 invasion of Ukraine.

Since then Russian troops have shelled multiple Ukrainian cities, including residential buildings and hospitals.

Several Russians told Insider that they had fled their hometowns for neighboring countries over fears of martial law, border closures, detention, and economic hardships. 

Some feared they would be detained over their opposing views of the war, as a new law makes it illegal to spread false information about the Russian military, call for the end of Russia's invasion into Ukraine, or support sanctions against Russia. 

Nearly 15,000 people across Russia have been detained since the start of the invasion into Ukraine, according to data from the independent monitoring group OVD-Info.

What all of this keeps repeating is Russia's military is flushing the Nazi shit out of Ukraine into America and the same Nazi shit is being flushed into America. America is getting more treacherous "gives us your poor" while Russia is just for the love of Russia.

Do not lose site that Vladimir Putin is protecting a people. Vladimir Putin is not aborting a nation. Vladimir Putin is focused on a legacy to make Russia longer than a 1000 year reich. Vladimir Putin is a genetic virus which is purifying the genetics of Russia instead of mongrelizing that people.

It is the natural order of things.

Nuff Said
