Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Reversal of the Jew


A Jew and an atomic bomb walk into a Ukrainian bar, the A bomb says,
"What you expect me to destroy the world with just one Jew?"

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK so David John Oates on Rense.com had some interesting revelations on the future tense. First up that Zellinskyy bad actor in Ukraine seemed to be hinting that he had wag the dog terror bombers in the wings. The analogy is they would not bomb Russians, but the West, and blame Russia for the bombings.

In an honest reversal, Dictator Biden calls the Jew, Zellinskyy a jerk who is stealing Biden's show.

Deserter Donald Trump is back and reveals that his appearances in this faux campaign are being billed to the regime that Trump is DIA shilling for. Pay attention to the Durham Report or charges as Trump links it's contents to Governor Kristi Noem having the political door open for her to be Vice President. Noem is not the hot little hayseed straddling ponies. She apparently is cartel connected. Good news for South Dakota as they will be rid of her, but bad news for America that this pedo protector is being moved up on the scale.

Lastly, connected to this William Barr former AG says that Durham is following Hunter and Joe Biden's money trail. That is UKRAINE and CHINA.


Leader of the world - Reveal a need, bombers won't stay

We are fighting for values of Europe  - Do you feel my con

That can not stop the death - Reveal the Latin Shiek (Pater Pope)

I'm addressing Biden - Reveal the debt

Dictatorship Biden

Thank Zellinskyy - We can't help

7000 small arms - See this friendly net

Putin counting on divided NATO - With the crime, we'll deny it

Talk about our record - Raise the loss. we'll miss it

20 million people out of work- The loss that I fumbled

Zellinskyy works of his people - It's a jerk overcome on my show.

Deserter Donald Trump

Maybe even more - You will bill my debt (The DIA)

Acting like we are terrible people - People break the will

the oil flow - the oil flow you dick head

Coasting up and down your coast - You talk evil they'll vomit

The Durham report - Noem needs a door

William Barr

Department of Justice - Plus they search for the profit

His personal behavior - Silly warfare beyond

In all this fraud - I was no fraud

So there you have some insights in the juice which is dripping from the nethers of the cartel puppets.

Nuff Said
