Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Your Personal Abortion


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been monitoring this massive weather bomb generated by HAARP and this is the 3rd day of this storm system which began on March 21st and will continue past the 24th. It is just sitting and spinning over the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys.

If you want an amusing segment of this, this storm SPLIT with snow over North Dakota and monsoon rains south into Nebraska to Texas when this formed.

It them parked about 50 miles east of the 1 29 Interstate and has been churning ever since.

In drought ravaged America you might ask how HAARP is doing this. The answer is simple which Mark Levin is too head up the Jew to figure out being a city boy, and that is HAARP is generating moisture for the Chinese soybean and corn crops in the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys.

There will be a big FU to the West as this is the time to land transfer there.

Rain gets 20,000 dollar an acre farmers to plunge into buying chemical and fertilizers. Rain provides a resource for the Chinese in this global crop market on the edge.

No pasta wheat in Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas though. We will see what happens with the depleted bread wheat in the Plains and West.

Look for another Chinaman crop grower for the Mississippi Valley and Ohio around March 30th.

This is not just going to work alone. There are other features involved in this.

Most of you children and brats live in central air and heating. You exist in climate control. Take that pampered chef away from you, and most have cold showers, cold beds and cold raw food.

Here is the reality. The vaxed have compromised and negated immune systems. Cold weather will stress systems and a little bacteria and virus, turns terminal.

China gets its livestock feed and more Americans are erased. This is not the vax alone. Most of you as stated live in climate control. You are like babies in the womb. What is coming in all of this is designed to abort you.

Look around you. You have lots of things that have a shelf life. Things that have an expiration date. You must come to the conclusion that you have an expiration date, a shelf life.

Are you more than the weather? Are you more than the electrical grid? There are so many things much larger than you. It is odd that a bean seed has more worth than you, that an entire weather mod system is for a bean. The entire weather mod system is working for a bacteria, working for a virus, which has more value than you.

The Lame Cherry does not write for beans, bacteria or viruses. It writes to keep you from being the bleater that turns into the shit that the elite clothe their land with.

I will see with God's Grace about keeping you from being aborted completely out of your womb.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
