Friday, April 15, 2022

Jen Psaki getting by on her Looks


I'm the second most beautiful woman in Washington DC,
I don't have to think.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is not going to be pulled into British MI6 drama to fragment America in ridiculous attacks upon White Spokeskirt Jen Psaki in claiming she said something she did not say. She did though chastise MI6 FOX for asking stupid questions. The first problem in this is Jen Psaki, the second most beautiful woman in Washington DC, did not provide a list of examples to prove her or Dictator Biden's point.

The second problem is with Jen Psaki from the Obama Era, is that no one has been questioning or providing checks and balances in this corrupt regime and serious events which endanger all Americans are manifesting now.

This is the most dangerous event yet.

Russia's 'broken arrow': Fears that NUCLEAR MISSILES sank with Putin's flagship Moskva amid claims that 452 of the 510 crew have drowned and top admiral has been arrested after cruiser was 'hit by Ukrainian missile'

For background on this, the Biden dictatorship has been providing military intelligence to the regime in Ukraine, meaning satellite tracking information and feeds on Russian military units so Ukraine can murder Russians. One can debate the problems with this in the long term in what the world would do without a stable nuclear armed Russia, but the above headline says it all.

No one in Congress nor in the media, save the Lame Cherry is asking the question of are American citizens now expendable over Ukraine? To make this clear, the United States Pentagon and CIA with the State Department, just knowingly provided military intelligence to Ukraine on the location of the flagship Moskva, which enabled an attack, sinking the warship, but more to the point, this warship was thought to have armed nuclear missiles on board. Those missiles might now be on the bottom of the Black Sea for any terrorist to salvage. That is besides the point in the United States deliberately assisted in an attack where nuclear warheads were deployed.

If you need this to be explained, this is not sound diplomatic, military or national policy. This put nuclear material in play. These warheads could have ignited in the fire, and the contents spewed like Chernobyl into the atmosphere. A wind could have drifted this fallout all across Europe, causing great economic harm and endangering millions of people's health. This is Bidencon which engaged in this and the reason they keep engaging in unsound policies is not because Peter Doocy asks stupid questions, but is because from Jen Psaki to anyone in government is not pointing out that it is dangerous policy to blow up nuclear weapons.

Jen Psaki should stop prissing around promoting her next career and take at least a parent's perspective in asking her associates in the cabinet, "Why is America blowing up ships that might have nuclear bombs on them as it is dangerous and terorists might get the bombs?"

Jen Psaki is deaf, dumb and blind to reason, as she has gotten by on her looks for too long. Seriously, even Jack and Bobby Kennedy got the point about nuclear missiles in Cuba of their danger. The Kennedy administration had democrats who actually comprehended nuclear threat. Even Bill Clinton was astute enough to know that General Wesley Clarke was nuts in trying to bomb Russia over Serbia due to the consequences. All that has been lost though from Obama onward which Jen Psaki is a holdover.

The Lame Cherry will repeat, that I do not want to die over Ukraine. I do not want anyone to die over Ukraine. I do not want the United States providing intelligence to Dr. Strangelove's in Ukraine who try to blow up nuclear weapons to sucker American fighting in Ukraine.

Do you think it is sound to attack Russian nuclear weapons? Do you want to die of radiation poisoning over this? Maybe you should start speaking out about this as this blog does as the Moskva Incident is thee most reckless, inhumane and dangerous event the United States has been engaged in for a decade.

The United States has not one person in Bidecon who says it is not a good policy to not blow up Russian nuclear warheads.

This is what the danger is. It is not Russia launching nuclear missiles at Americans, it is these Wokesters in DC blowing up Russian nuclear missiles that is going to get millions of people killed.

Nuff Said

