Friday, April 15, 2022

The Moskva Incident


The Lame Cherry offers it's sincerest condolences and sympathies on the incident which sank the Black Sea flagship, Moskva, to President Vladimir Putin, the Russian Navy, the Russian Federation and the Russian People.

Deepest respects for the wounded, missing and dead.

The Lame Cherry as a solitary voice in the West, states plainly that this is not America or Americans involved in this. President George Washington offered friendship and trade to all nations, and warned of foreign entanglements. The United States never supported, backed or armed leaders of other nations ever to attack other nations. The United States has never supported any nation which rejected peace and violated treaties the way Ukraine has.

The Moskva Incident is not American at all. Americans do not feed intelligence to proxy assassins who then bushwack other nations to start greater wars to topple legally elected governments as the one which is in Moscow Russia.

The denouncing of these acts by those involved is to provide clarity that Americans are not represented by what is being engaged in. No American awoke to the day and said, "Let us go kill Russians. Let us sink their ship. Let us start a war with Russia".

Whatever follows by the Good Graces of Russia, Americans will suffer right along with Russians. This is nothing Christian Americans would ever engage in as it is beneath an American. What is driving this is not American. This was not an act engaged in by Americans, even as it was carried out in the name of the United States of America.

Nuff Said
