Friday, April 22, 2022

The Christian American


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you children and brats comprehended the birthright and blessing which is in me, you would understand the rock star which here am I. This is not bragging, but is fact. You are as far removed from me as a slave girl to Moses, but even by Jesus the Christ, the slave girl can be risen to heights which only God can promote.

The teaching this day is focused upon St. Paul in his defense of the Gospel before King Agrippa and Bernice, under the sentence of death, for which Paul was sent to Rome to appeal to Caesar. 

It is verse 7 in Chapter 26 where Paul, Inspired by the Holy Ghost, mentions something that the Apostles mentioned in their Inspired writings, and that is the other Tribes of the Sons of Jacob, both near and far off.

While this is not dwelt upon, the fact is the Lost 10 Tribes of Samaria were known to the Apostles as much as Christ in they still were in this world, though sifted and lost through the nations in this world as God Prophesied they would be.

My children are familiar enough with the United States and Britain being the House of Joseph in holding the blessing and the scepter. Denmark is the family of Dan. The family of Reuben is the French.

Most of these peoples had reached their European homelands even in Jesus and St. Paul's time. The last major shifts were the Saxons or Isaacs' Sons as the Hebrews would be called, into the British Isles, in the early wars, and the final sowing would be the vine trailing over the wall which was the British colonization of the world as God foretold, where America would become the single greatest nation ever. That 150 year period from about 1750 to 1900 is when God displaced the Peoples of Gilead or the children of Manasseh, the elder son of Joseph into the United States.

The Lame Cherry has quoted President Theodore Roosevelt and historian Francis Parkman, absolutely puzzled as to how entire villages in Germany, France and other areas, simply moved to the United States and adjacent villages had no one migrate. This was God's doing in moving the last of Joseph to the United States. They have always been a pioneering people sent on ahead whether in the first exile from Samaria to taming thee American wilderness. They lived across the Jordan River and were the first to go into exile. Tradition teaches that when Christ returns, it will be Americans who will be the first to enter the Promised Land, for they were the first slaughtered, conquered and exiled by the Assyrian Germans. 

The true American identity as Theodore Roosevelt noted was based not in the Anglo, but in the Irish and Scott groups in Joseph who spread east to west across America. What was the basis though for this robust wanderlust to last though was the Germanic Saxons of Israel, who made prairie into cropland and made forests into habitations as they built Protestant Churches throughout the land, and the storms ceased while the land remained Christian.

That is America. The Scot Irish drive and the German Saxon work ethic. That is what is being obliterated by the forces of DNA erasure.

These were the Peoples to which the Gospel came and they accepted, for this Hebrew God was their God they carried with them. They were the Priestly tribes on whom God had created His Church to inherit the Prophesies of the past.

The Acts of the Apostles

Chapter 26

Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come. For which hope's sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews.

This is who St. Paul was well aware of in your ancestors. God is aware of His children in this winnowing. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God has not changed, nor has the Faithful adherence to the Prophecies of God.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater.

Nuff Said

Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, It must not suffer loss; From victory unto victory, His army shall He lead, Till every foe ...
