Monday, May 9, 2022

A Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As we all know the FBI is relentlessly tracking down the DC Pipe Bomber from January 5th, the following peaceful protest event is something they will be too busy to deal with, and Wisconsin, home of vote fraud, obviously is too overcome with that investigation to spare any gender hours to look into this peaceful protest.

In this age of woke, the Lame Cherry has as solution, and that is for Speaker Nancy Pelosi, fresh back from demanding nuclear war in the United States over Ukraine, should join Dictator Biden in awarding this peaceful protester, both the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Dictator Medal of Freedom Honor.

There are many reasons from this being a peaceful protest to the realities explained below.

First some might say this was a domestic terrorism threat, but did not Attorney General Merrick Garland define domestic terrorism as if people in DC do it during the day it is terrorism on Jan5 but when Blacks do it at night across America, then it is peaceful protest.

Wisconsin was conducted at night, so therefore it is peaceful protest.

Next  the above says it all. This is a White gender, perhaps a binary, but we must address this is a feminine handwriting. She is artistic and in this age of our trillion dollar schools turning out retards, look at what we have here.
We have a feminine gender who in the DARK, can follow siding lines like rule lines on paper. She knows a capital letter begins a sentence, her penmanship is legible, she is a bit uneducated that you do not begin letters with capitals which are non cursive in Safe and You, and is uneducated in not ending the sentence with a period.......but then again maybe she is a deep thinker and desires each of us to ask the question, "Did the gender mean to end it with a question mark or a period?", which of course would change the entire meaning of this sentence.

Obviously in this age of woke snowflake children, this feminine gender is the Albert Einstein of communication and grammar. Yale should make this gender a professor as that Sotomayor Supreme Court terror leaker came from there, and this person would be right up their diploma handouts like the Obama's were.

Perhaps this female gender could be and understudy of Hunter Biden, providing of course someone besides the Secret Service would be employed while she was being taught art from Hunter, as Hunter raped allot of children when the Secret Service was detailing him, and we would not a Medal of Honor and Dictator Freedom Medal recipient with this kind of Yale genius to be snorting coke, making porn videos and being raped by Hunter Biden. Unless of course she wanted too as the Supreme Court will soon make pedophilia legal and that is why we need abortion illegal to get them fresh babies produced for all that child traffick which the FBI does not have time to investigate like the DC Pipe Bomber, but it has time to hunt down Jan6ers for misdemeanors.

To help Nancy and Pedo Joe, who we are looking for is a woman the height of the siding line of the I and the F. She reached up to start this, then her gender arm came down to eye level, and after that she was wearied and she had her elbow at her side and was doing this beautiful mostly cursive writing.

She is not a fat ass either, as the heat exchanger and gas pipe are close to the building, so she had to reach over to complete her, I mean, gender writing.

Frankly I think The White House should sign an executive order, dictating his artwork be on display at the Smithsonian. They could send out the US Marshals with chain saws and they could hack that out of the building in a few days, providing they did not hit any electric or gas lines as construction is not their forte, but once out, they could fly it back to DC and a big ceremony could follow with expensive liquor as Nancy Pelosi like that by the tub.

Let us all put this behind us, as it is artistic and other matters are of more importance, as Alito, Thomas, Kavananaugh, Gorsuch and Roberts are creating a new Drive By Aborticide feature of Planned Parenthood. Yes out of the Black ghetto and onto the interstate highways on the boarders of woke states like California where little Mormon girls can drive to the border, get some RU 486 throw at her, she can get some Woke Coke and at 12 years old be home before her husband knows she was flushing out the tissue.

I realize that Wisconsin might lose out on this, as Minnesota and Illinois are real woke, and those little girls in Wisconsin will have to drive by to get their womb toxins, as it is a revenue thing. There will be these concentrated hubs like Minnesota will service the little hot boxes of the Dakotas, Nebraska and Iowa, probably Wisconsin too, at least the west part as the east in this mafia will go to Chicago.

This is all mapped out and the Black Robes probably got their stocks all bought up for a great boost to their retirement packages, because they know butchering babies is not going away. This is just about concentrating the profit margins.

So let us all have some bottled water and soy crackers in woke celebration of the above peaceful protest of artistic expression.

This was all prepared in why do you think coat hangers are plastic? Can't be womb noodlin' with a plastic hanger. It just won't work.

Keeping the monopoly in the hands Planned Parenthood

Nuff Said

