Monday, May 9, 2022

Just Educating You On Food


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to take issue with another urban headline which reveals how Goddamned ignorant or controlled by the 1% even Not the Bee is.

Beef prices have risen 18% since last year. A major meatpacker says you ain't seen nothing yet.   notthebee 

The Lame Cherry is going to explain something again as no one else will from their city dwelling keyboards.

Beef in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord is 1.25 per pound or 125 dollars a hundred. That price is top of the market for fancy or the best beef. Numbers of producers will not get that price when they market their slaughter cattle.

Has the price paid Americans gone up almost 20 percent since last year? No last year the price of beef was 1.24 a pound or 124 a hundred. Beef went up 1 dollar a hundred pounds of meat in a year. That though is a drop of 41 dollars from 2015 AD in the year of our Lord when an all time high was reached of 1.66 cents a pound.

So a 20% rise in beef prices for farmers and ranchers should have netted them 25 dollars a hundred, but that was instead 1 dollar.

No beef producer gets 5 dollars a pound for hamburger or whatever in the hell prime rib is now as it sells for gold, but people in agriculture never get it.

This is corporate foreign ownership in China and Brazil in slaughter plants who employ Nigger Mexicans at slave wages, and yet the price of meat keeps going through the roof. You are paying for what a slant eyed communist crooks is dining on in China. PERIOD.

Here is the price index paid for beef for the past 50 years.

A rancher after feeding expensive feed to a slaughter animal, after feeding their mother 2 years to be old enough to calf, after all their unpaid labor will be paid about 1500 dollars for a 1200 pound animal. All is not steak on a critter, but there will be trucking costs, Bee Check off and auction ring costs, dropping the price down to around 1300 dollars.

If you have 100 head, that would be 130,000 dollars. That sounds like allot of money, but this is 15 hour a day work year round, there is now real estate taxes, income  taxes. 150,000 dollar tractors, 50,000 balers, fuel at 200 dollars a tank and tractors eat lots of fuel, a 2500 dollar loader to lift the hay, a 50,000 pick up to haul cattle, a 15,000 dollar stock trailer, vet bills as cattle must be worked, and on top of that you need to pay the same costs in electric, computer, cell phone, heat and food that everyone else does.

That 130,000 at a 3000 dollar bull, and you need 1 bull for every 50 cows, starts eating away to poverty level fast.

If you buy the feeders, at 1.60 a hundred and the calves are 500 pounds that is 800 dollars, plus interest for 18 months which shaves off that 130,000, 80,000 dollars...........and brings it all down to 50,000 dollars and in that you have to have land to pay for the feed or rent that land at 150 dollars an acre.......160 acres for rent is 24,000 dollars a year, plus corn costs 500 dollars an acre so that is another 80,000 and people start looking at it like there is not any money in raising beef, and there is not.

It requires that you already own the land, own the equipment and then the "feed is free", but you can earn more in just selling the corn on the market than running it through the fat cattle.

It is not American agriculture or any other nation's agriculture which is making money off of beef, pork or chicken. Where the money comes in, is the corporate monopolies in processing meat. Nigger wages and high retail prices is where this all goes. Foreigners are making a fortune off of Americans.

Now why Not the Bee does not inform Americans of this, so this will be ended, means they are either ignorant or they are being Mockingbird managed to put out propaganda that you are too ignorant to know the facts as Zero Hedge has not posted something that came out of some agribusiness anus for you to sniff.

Like all things in this life, it is the global cartel robbing you. Whether it is of your crude oil under you United States soil, or your computer vehicles which do not need computers or your food coming out of your soil, all owned by foreigners from George Soros to come Peking Charlie.

This is the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

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