Thursday, June 16, 2022

temnaya liniya (dark line)

"We are talking about a routine — twice a year — procedure for the adoption of a Nicaraguan law on the temporary admission of foreign military personnel to its territory in order to develop cooperation in various areas, including humanitarian and emergency responses, combatting organized crime and drug trafficking," Zakharova said.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry believes that the analysis of Russian troops being cycled through Nicaragua is not about an invasion staging area, but is more about what the Russian spokesskirt stated in the briefing and that is the area of focus in what Moscow is engaged in.

combatting organized crime and drug trafficking

Meet you on the other side.

Russian Ships, Planes, Troops Move In
To Nicaragua

Russian Army Will Be Deploying To Nicaragua
For 'Humanitarian Operations'

US Imposes Visa Restrictions On 93 People
Allegedly Undermining Nicaragua's Democracy

So Russia is in Nicaragua, combating organized crime and drug trafficking. This is where we must start in examining this issue as this is a Bush fam of old players from Contra days in Clinton dope dumps into Arkansas, which revolved around the supply line of Columbia cocaine mafia, shipping to El Salvador with the Contras for the big war against the Sandinistas of Nicaragua which still rule that nation under Dictator Daniel Ortega.

The pipeline in Columbia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and then into Mexico, which is the trans shipping point for Chinese opium and fentanyl, linking up with South American cocaine. That money has to be going somewhere. The DEA stopped enforcing the law after Ronald Reagan, so all of that dope is being sold in open borders in America.

Remember when Birther Hussein took over that the Lame Cherry published an exclusive that Obama's "folk" had reorganized the drug shipments coming out of South America. Obama was moving dope into Africa, and then into the Balkans, cutting out the British and Spanish. 

Obama also through Eric Holder as Attorney General, struck key distribution centers, Chicago being one, in eliminating the organized crime aspect, meaning Obama decentralized drug traffick so it was many street lords and not one mafia boss. The end result is the constant bloodbath in Chicago and other US cities as those funds now are laundered into Wall Street from the numerous street lords, cutting out a main competitor.

This decentralization is why Deserter Donald Trump never secured Chicago as this is how the cartel in making immense profits. Now that you have some background on this, start asking the question as Dictator Joe Biden is hitting Russian Jew Mafia with sanctions in the oligarchs, and trying to collapse Russia via Ukraine, why is it when the Kremlin and the FSB responded to Bidencon's attacks on Russia, did Russia focus on one nation in Nicaragua to strike at America?

May 28, 2001 ... U.S. intelligence sources believe drug cartels in Mexico, considered among the worlds most ruthless, have followed the lead of Colombian cocaine ...

The answer of Nicaragua is the Sandinistas have an understanding with the main mafia in control there. They get dope money and nothing is done as long as the Nicaraguan mafia does not shoot the hell out of Nicaragua. Nicaragua is a choke point in this Obama decentralized trafficking scheme.

Back in the day when Poppy Bush was running this operation as Vice President, Bush 41 sent in CIA and military planes directly to El Salvador or Nicaragua. That is how that infamous Sandinista photo of coke on a plane with the Nicaraguans counting the dope surfaced with Barry Seals. The cocaine train was coming out of Columbia, into Nicaragua and being flown directly into Bill Clinton's Mena Arkansas distribution base. In the Bush years, it was stated plainly that no US currency could be  tested which did not have traces of cocaine on it. There was that kind of volume of cash flow in this CIA operation run by George HW Bush and his sons George and Jeb, with Bill Clinton's help.

As you are here for the Lame Cherry logical conclusion in this, Russia could not hit Mexico as that tumor state of crime is managed by the US too closely via their corrupt regime. The only ally Russia has in the chain is Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan mafia must be getting pressed by competitors, which answer to Bidencon. Russia is being invited in to eliminate the competition, and with the FSB regain control over the American routes.
Couple this with the PLA in Mexico and Russia holding the strategic base in Nicaragua, the lions share of synthetic opium, fentanyl, meth and coke is going to have the Russian and Chinese military providing the muscle.

It was stated after the 2008 cartel crash of world markets that the Europeans only stayed solvent due to black market opium cash moving into Europe. The United States is nothing but a Fed printing press of worthless Dollar in a propped up economy. Thee only real money available for the conglomerate crime sphere in their wokeness is the contraband  trade. The one place that Russia and China can strike with horrific effect is to gain control over those markets. In effect, what Birther Hussein decentralized, is now being Kremlin centralized in streamlining the system and siphoning the solvency out of the US Stock Market.

This is not to say that the FSB is not going to use Nicaragua as a coordinating center for the Russia mafia and hit squads, because the Russians are adept at seizing control of markets as the Abanians were, but it goes to the Ukrainian faction in the US drug trade too, which was bribing Hunter Biden. As the Kremlin is moving into Nicaragua, it means the Sandinistas are going to benefit and Russia will use this platform to strike at the dope syndicate which is profitable in the cartel targeting Russia and China.

Russia can do far more damage to the ruling elitocracy which has Co Opted the United States, not in direct military confrontation in central America, but in gaining control of the drug trade. Russia already has allies in Venezuela and the Columbian FARC. They survive by deals with criminal America in the conglomerates and thee America police state. They will as they have been in being a greater service to Russia.

If the cartel does not desire to deal with Nicaragua, then the  Bush41 pipeline of air transport must be re established and a base inside the United States, as Obama's folk set up this decentralized system as it is cheaper to use ships, truck and trains, than planes to move large cargoes.

It is most interesting to see the Russians operate in their plans to erode those who are antagonizing them.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched."

-- George H. W. Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter

Nuff Said
