Thursday, June 16, 2022

Creating an Icon Piper


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Before her recent death, I was intrigued by Charlotte Iserbyt in her intelligence and grasp of information, and in particular a reference in which she was just death on Ronald Reagan, the icon of thee American Right.

She never explained this, but in a repost on Rense, and from News With Views, a reference was made to Ronald Reagan, in which he joined with the Soviet leader to align American and Soviet educational system.

In the recesses of memory, there was a third realignment with the Soviet Union under the fraud Dwight Eisenhower who was a leftist and put into power to displace the Republican Thomas Dewey from the Presidency.
Eisenhower's entire purpose after looting the Social Security fund to build that interstate highway system to make invasion easier, was to meld the Soviet System of group think into American industry. By the woke perversion which has engulfed America, Eisenhower was successful for his lords.

The first two alignments of America with Sovietism was socialist dictator Woodrow Wilson and the despot Frank Roosevelt later with his dupe Harry Truman who helped form a communist world in the Soviet International.

In 1995, Charlotte Iserbyt, author of  The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America , and former Senior Policy Advisor in the Reagan education department met with her good friend, Rosalind Kress Haley, who was a member of the secretive Council for National Policy (CNP). Charlotte and Rosalind decided to try to get the US out of the United Nations. So they printed up postcards containing information regarding same, and put them in their bills, on car windshields at the grocery store, in store windows, etc. 

Then, Rosalind had an idea. She thought that if they sent a letter to all 435 members of the Council for National Policy, who she thought were her friends, that they would help in the effort. The gals decided Rosalind should write the letter since many of the people in the CNP were not very pleased that Charlotte Iserbyt had blown the whistle on Reagan's US/Soviet education agreements of 1985 and 1988, which brought to American schools, the Skinner/Pavlov dog training rather than academic teaching. 

The Lame Cherry is not yet ready without more documents (The ones quoted are gone.) to throw Reagan out with the bath water, as Ronald Reagan did set up Republics in South America which were driven into massive debt by Bush41 and rolled over to communists, against what was Reagan policy, so Bush fam proved how much they detested this man's pro American policies. Reagan simply might not have been aware of what was taking place, save Reagan wanted to send American kids to Russia to indoctrinate Russians with American psychological toxins which would make a revolution. There are two ways of looking at things.

Just as we witnessed what a fraud Chris Wallace always was at FOX, one can find thee most rabid Reagan Republicans from Utah's Orin Hatch to Minnesota's Vin Weber were just like John the hero McCain in being suits to lead the GOP to this group think which is the same liberal democrats calling for Jan6 American to be thrown into prison.

Carroll Quigley is said to have written the whistleblower book on this and was noted by Ms. Iserbyt. As Quigley noted, like things posted here, things are too far gone and knowing the information is not going to change a thing.

In 1966, Carroll Quigley wrote his massive book Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time. Tragedy being that so many people have to die, and Hope being the New World Order. He was the official historian for the CFR and was privileged to study the elites' plans for the world for nearly two years. Quigley taught at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976, and was Bill Clinton's mentor. On page 1247 of his book, he wrote this:

"The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method .....Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but WILL STILL PURSUE, with new vigor, approximately the SAME BASIC POLICIES."

If you still want to expand your non speed reading education and comprehend the working structure of the destruction of your mind to deal with thinking, then the links below fill in a brick in the wall of this myriad of how America was co opetd out of existence and is being erased.

Ronald Reagan was surrounded by frauds. His handler was the CIA's William Buckley. The main spoke in this was William Casey of the OSS and CIA. In pondering the reality of Ronald Reagan, he appears to have been set up as the greatest diversion of all for Americans, in they clung to him as the treacherous dragged the nation into the abyss as the faithful kept looking for another Reagan to save them, but all they got was a DIA troll named Donald Trump who appears to have gotten in over his head as a believer in America, and when read the riot act, rolled over to save himself and deserted the Reagan faithful to the FBI hunt of Jan6.

Part 1 Nelson/kelleigh208.htm

Part 2 Nelson/kelleigh209.htm

Part 3 Nelson/kelleigh210.htm

© 2014 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved

Nuff Said
