Wednesday, July 20, 2022

So you want Joe Biden gone?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you want to watch the video on the link, there is enough forensic proof that just like Obama left the building in June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord as proven by Lame Cherry, there have been a series of injectible Biden's standing in of Pedo Joe.

What the Lame Cherry is telling you is, that the forces that stole the election for Obama and Pedo Joe, are now at work to remove the Dictator. This is coming from Obama Inc. As you will recall, Joe Biden has been acting President since June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, until the time Deserter Don served Obama's 3rd term in betraying MAGA. That was the agreement with Michelle Obama and Valdasherie Jarrett.

What is taking place now is another DIA operation in Sons of Q, creating the propaganda to get rid of Biden. They have been doing a sloppy job on Biden's AI to set this all up, which is manipulating the Sean Tik Tok Hannity right to biting on this again, as a driving force to blame and give cover for Michelle Obama when Obama Inc goes overt in this.

Kamala Harris had to turn to Hamrod Clinton for help, but it will not do any good as her future is political extinction. Hamrod has taken cover as she knows Michelle Obama is moving for 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

The GOPliters will help with impeachment, cripple themselves again with Harris doing the smart thing like Dan Quayle in getting out of Dodge.

Just understand that you do not have to do anything to make Joe Biden gone. You do not need to vote. Do not need to do a thing, except keep out of all of this Lansdale manipulation as Jan6 proved. Michelle Obama's handlers are going to do it all. The problem is that you are not going to like what replaces Pedo Joe.

George W. Bush will a homo thing.

Nuff Said

