Thursday, July 21, 2022

White House Clarifies Dictator Biden Has Cancer.....of the ovaries


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Dictator Joe Biden admitted today that he has cancer like many in Delaware. The White House attempted to cover up the revelation, even though Joe Biden's previous medical records stated he had skin cancer.

This time though the cancer is different and thanks to Dictator Biden, the Lame Cherry can reveal what the cancer is.

WH Tries To Reverse Biden’s 'I Have
Cancer' Statement

Joe Biden Says He Has Cancer - Video

What we now know in the Biden explanation is that in the Woke Rainbow of Biden Obama where no one can define what a man or a woman is, or that a man can be pregnant, Joe Biden has after the Supreme Centralized aborticide profits in the states, become gender neutral and has contracted ovarian cancer.

What is tragic in this, in the Biden memo is that the dictator provided evidence that as a 17 year old girl, he was denied an abortion and was forced to birth a child named Tanzy, who was given to lesbian Catholic nuns. The stress of this non abortion is what Gender Biden states is what caused his current ovarian cancer. As medical records are sealed there is not any way to proving that Joe Biden does not have ovaries.

As further information appears, it appears that there was not one daughter born from the womb of Joe Biden, but two in twins, a few years apart, a Panzy to join Tanzy. These daughters were lost until recent documents show that the girls were adopted by Dick Cheney and now we know why one is lezbo nuts and the other serving on Nancy Pelosi committees to gulag Americans.

We should all say a prayer for Dictator Biden in his fast recovery from ovarian cancer, brought on in solidarity over the overturning of Roe vs. Wade.

So it was not Vladimir Putin at all who had cancer as reported by the British and American press. It was instead Joe Biden who is denied to have cancer by the British and American press.

PS: Never mind that Dictator Biden, twice vaxed and boosted, now has the disease COVID brought on by being vaxed in his weakened and destroyed immune system and like billions of other vaxed will succumb to a lingering death by clots, VAIDS or VANCERS.

Teenager Jo Jo Biden, circa 1959 at the time of his pregnancy
which later caused his ovarian cancer today, because he could not 
find a rusty coat hanger to save herself.

Nuff Said
