Thursday, July 14, 2022

The German Swine


The corkscrew is in my Bottle

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For all the sophisticates of Europe, they are no different than any shit picking primate in the zoo. The current dim bulb of Germany is designed to make the German and Austrian squeal like a pig, so that they will accept the heavy hand of an already chosen strongman who will deliver them from all of their decisions and make Germany great again.

It is all conditioning, as much as breaking the twit English to non threat status, so it is not the English the Russians are keying on, but these other pips crossing the Rubicon for war. Thee Americans are being bitch slapped around too in order to dull them to accept the exciting victories of the midterms and the agony of defeat after.

This is a warning for the French. You do not have a leader. Your right wing is baby killing shit dick leftist as the right. Manny Macron is not a leader for what is coming. He is as hapless as that Ashkenaz Sarkozy. France must understand that they are in the channel for world war. It is where they live and war is coming to their land again in the worst of mass death. Unless France finds it soul and a leader arises to break with NATO, not trust it's back to the English and does not go into league with the Germans, France will die epically in what is being planned as the French are in the way.

I will do better than Joan of Arc did for me. France must reach accord with Russia. France must align itself with enough of a buffer so organized state warfare does not draw the nations around France into war, so the French are an avenue to wars being fought. France needs to boot those Muslims back to Africa, and do so in setting up a North African settlement zone in which France will manage control of oil and gas, and with those funds bribe the Muslims and gain the acceptance of Spain in this venture which Adolf Hitler failed at.
France's one future is through Spain, into Gibraltar and into Africa. France gets to Libya first as they murdered Khadaffi in intrigue so they have blood on their hands already, but France gets their first or it will be Russia, China or the anti Christ, and when that happens, France's options will cease.

Time is running out in this, as the Germans will only squeal so long before they accept the corkscrew cock of their destiny again.

In the Europe which is being planned, there is no room for any contenders like France in population and industry or any lowlands in their banking.

The Peoples of Western Europe need to comprehend that there is nothing in eastern Europe which can stop the Russians, Chinese of Muslims. The war line will be fought in central Europe with devastation. That brings the war to France. I would be prudent of the French to not allow that war to be brought to their lands. The French need a toxic Maginot Line to keep that clash of Germanic Slavs against Russians from backing up into their lands south and north.

Germans are not going to squeal forever and they will submit. Western Europe needs to get into position before that pig stops squealing.

Nuff Said

