Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Oreo Team


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is interesting that a great deal of effort by the Mockingbird has been invested in debunking destroyed food processing plants. 

Whether they are deliberate or not, they are real, as real as the shrinking of package size for increased prices.

May 3, 2022 ... As more food processing plants burn down, the prophecy of pre-Messianic food shortages looms more imminent. Though labeled a conspiracy ...

Apr 26, 2022 ... Recent fires at food processing plants across the United States have sparked several conspiracy theories that someone is.

The Lame Cherry would instead look at this in a simple way for you to understand. If this is deliberate, this means there are teams operating which are engaging in innovative ways to destroy food processing in America for shortages.

The team would have to be beyond the norms of FBI and CIA and DIA.  These would be trained, much like the mafia teams were trained to rough up businesses to gain union control or like the Kennedy assassination which had several patsies and levels managed out of Tel Aviv.

In this Lord of War scenario, like Barry Seals flying in drugs and guns for a black ops Iran Contra where the CIA was providing cover for the operation, that is what would be involved here. Specialist like the specialist who assassinated CIA Director William Colby or the DC Madam. This team though would be experts in devising non pattern ways of destroying a food industry processing facility. More than the fake bird flu which with false positives and blaming migrating geese, opened the salvo of dead poultry to increase shortages, this team would be holding a list, the list of course would be insurance covered for the holders to profit and once again insurance companies would be holding the bag as on the Nazi Krystalnacht, in thinking they were part of the conglomerate boardroom, until Pedo Joe started the process in another untouchable group being scapegoated in big oil in America.

This appears to be a finite team, not dozens, but skilled at the work, as it seems to follow patterns in the same refinery fires in things just seem to have problems at opportune times in this building of the Reset.

As the FBI is not investigating, as in Russiagate and the CIA is providing Mockingbird cover, this is sanctioned in the teams to carry out the mission. They are not making any mistakes, are diverting enough operational scenarios for denial and have achieved exactly what was intended in the leveraging food to be transformed into the perfect weapon of control.

I do not know who this is, do not want to know who this is. The purpose of this article is to simply ask the questions and produce a projection as all has been silence on this, save the accusations and denials. The projection is that there must be a team engaged in this, they have absolute access, do not make mistakes, are provided cover and this is just another one of those strange things that happen now in which we are all told this is not happening over 2 dozen times over, that it is just normal, even though these normalcies like gun violence only appear in waves just before a push for denial of gun rights appears, causing spikes in purchases, benefiting the foreign ownership of American arms manufacturing.

Just like Microsoft was not going to update Windows 7 and it keeps updating Windows 7, and if you have noticed Microsoft and all of these companies for the intelligence community have not been rolling out new product ever 12 months for quite some time now as they did before for profits. The pattern changed across the NSA controlled board of electronic advances.

Ukraine is at war, and now food is burning up, as food was coming in short packaging and food shelves were Covid bare. A conditioning process for this period is evident as the regimes can not get involved fast enough like Trump Vax when they choose.

No one has noticed the NSA computer systems are not updating while others note that food is in short supply, but it is all accidental, in plants being destroyed 20 plus times over.

Nuff Said

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
