Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Nip & Tuck

OK so Hunter Biden is my friend and I protected him, so trust me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do you think it would be a good idea to put your life into the hands of Hunter Biden's friend who covered up this pedo doper selling out America?

That is who Tucker Carlson is, and in the DIA operation he has been saying all the right things, like these Trump politics who have been saying all the right things after this staged search of the Trump mansion, to get you to come out an expose yourselves again.

The thing is TL had me watch a clip from FOX on Tucker Carlson where he was stating how smart all of you were, like him, in not ever taking that Fauci vax, as the reality is piles of people are getting sick from it and piles are dying.

Before you start patting yourself on the back and bending over for Tucker Carlson, just remember like Frank Roosevelt, what is behind all this flattering to draw you in?

Study it so you can work it out.

Tucker Carlson is a Mockingbird control over a segment of the population, mostly Jan6 related and mostly non vaxed. The regime made you a criminal, has suppressed you and did all they could to get you to inject mRNA to alter your DNA under threat.

Tucker Carlson is the good cop of this regime, your control, so again, what is he up to for the DIA in running this operation which is telling you how smart you are in not being vaxed?

Is there another vax coming, and I do not mean COVID 987 vax. I mean the current bullshit about the Monkey Pox, which was infected into queers who were raving to give cover for what looks like something like shingles manifesting from the vax, as VANCER and VAIDS appear all through this vaxed group.

So Tuck is telling you how smart you are to reinforce your not getting the next vax. What is the next vax? We know it was being manufactured two years ago for small pox when there was not small pox, but it is being given for Monkey Pox and sure as hell the queers are still getting this Vax Pox as it is something different.

We know that the small pox is a live virus when scratched on the skin. The scab which falls off is live virus. You touch that sore and it is live virus. So every vaxed person is walking around shedding live small pox as you know these goddamn foreigners how filthy they are an touching everything like these grubber American do like things. So inject 100,000 carriers, and the pox will spread readily.

Now remember, the small pox shot stopped in the early 1970's, so the boomers are probably immune in that last age group. It is the others who are 50 years and younger who will have no immunity. The reason plagues of small pox did not spread in vaccinations is the entire adult population and children were already immune, so scratching up babies meant they could not infect anyone. That is no longer the case. So Tucker Carlson praising this 50 and under group who are so preening about their non vaxed genius are probably being set up to get this version of small pox which is going to take the starch out of them.

This is typical Mockingbird manipulation, Make people confident in their choice, reinforce it and then set them up to be obliterated. They are going after this group......simple math, about 60 million people, drop it to 40 million to pox them.

OK now for the historical reality as I was involved in this study and wrote of it, and people scoffed, but when small pox hit England, the English actually figured out that people were dying from infections, not the pox. The pox caused open sores. So the remedy the English came up with was "Be clean and be well". Yes dirty people got sick, dirty people got infections and numbers of dirty people died. Bathing helped a great deal, along with no flies, dirty bedding and not oozing puss in summer humidity or dying of the chills in winter.

The idea of anyone with a brain taking a vax in trusting these twisters is in need of a clop to the head. So the small pox vax is something to stay away from. That leaves the reality of repeating what you learned with the Coronavirus Wuhan, which meant keeping away from people, bleaching and disinfecting things like groceries, not wearing your exposed clothing and shoes into your house, and, riding the curve out.

Remember the Lame Cherry was first to inform you this plague was finished in August of 2020 an it was. There have been the Quadvax which made people really sick so maybe these flu shots are not a good idea as you do not know what is being injected into you, but for the most part, all that is out there is this staged pox to get at Tuck's sheeple.

As I have stated, I had a tooth pulled. Yes exposure to the vaxed. I was with our neighbor who looked like death warmed over. I feel fine as the shedding does appear to have reached its peak, in most have been exposed, fought it off, and as long as you are not hugging, kissing or whatever, the effects do not seem to be a danger. Granted I came home and showered and laundered my clothes, to make sure as before, but we are past most of this, an that is why this pox is being unleashed on a key group who have not obeyed.

So I still wear latex gloves and do all the things we always do. When this small pox gets going, we are not going to go anywhere. Again there is a curve in this, I am not about to be staying in hotels with Mexican small pox bedding in them or any stupid things like that, but the curve. Logic dictates in the cartel has released this pox, and even queers are saying that got vax pox anyway, so there is going to have to be a force the issue, in spreading something the elite will not contract, but can be spread among the 40 million.

Jun 28, 2016 ... It has an incubation period of between 7 and 17 days after exposure and only becomes infectious once the fever develops. A distinctive rash ...

OK, so the curve would be something like, exposure one month, spread two months, the isolated curve one more month. Once this starts that means about 4 months, granted there will be isolated and group flare ups by random chance, but the main period should be 4 months as immunity and death build, as isolation takes over and let's face it you can see people with rashes and pox to stay away from them.

So that is not that big of deal an can be dealt with. You can use the same precautions in gloves and washing, stay clean, and stay away from idiots and develop your backbone in telling people NO.

As Coronavirus Wuhan proved, it is a hell of allot harder to start a plague than to end one, as they end on their own. Same with this pox.

Just be ready, this is probably not weaponized airborne and is contact, so you can not become a statistic if you are not a moron.

Best analysis on the data with projections as I would not trust Tucker Carlson with my life.

Nuff Said
