Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Braytorian Guard


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David John Oates pioneer on Reverse Speech uncovered these reversals on American Attorney General Merrick Garland and American FBI Director, Christopher Wray in connection with the federal police raid on ex president Donald Trump's mansion in Florida.

8 days ago ... (CNN) The FBI executed a search warrant Monday at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, as part of an investigation into ...

Attorney General Merrick Garland

a court order obtained by the FBI - the guy paid it

our work conducted out of the public eye - we give assassin

unfounded attacks on the FBI - they lurry for Nazi (lurry is repeated propaganda)

they safe guard American rights - he will face further stealth (he is Trump)

FBI Director Christopher Wray

men and women of the FBI - and I pay to ruin him. (Trump is him. Wray is in control of Merrick Garland. Wray is the financial control of this operation.)

that is nothing I can talk about - Trump is the issue.

The David John Oates synopsis of this is that Christopher Wray is the control of this operation. Attorney General Merrick Garland is subservient to Wray. What the FBI engaged in, in this Russiagate group, is only the first of more stealth operations which are in motion in dealing with Donald Trump.

(We know that there was propagandized a dirty bomb in New York which will be blamed on Trump supporters or these "White Supremacists" in what appears to be a evolved Jan6 operation.)

There seems to be a type of James Earl Ray solution if Mr. Trump overcomes this latest framing in this series of stealth operations. The cartel is intent on installing it appears Michelle Obama after removing in a coup by their stooges in the GOPliters in Congress with their minions in the democratic party. What Wray and Garland are implicating is 2024 has already been decided.

The short of this which David John Oates uncovered is that Christopher Wray is funding an operation concerning the 2024 presidential election and that Merrick Garland is providing cover for this criminal enterprise.

This is the Braytorian Guard, braying out their insurrection. Donald Trump has apparently been assured he has DIA backing again, but the DOJ is under orders to overthrow the 2024 election for president.

This is pure corruption. Look at the known associates of Garland and Wray, to understand the visible network, which is working for those behind the curtain in the shadowlands.

Nuff Said.
