Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Ukraine as thee Atomic Bomb


It is called a Radioactive Buffer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is something each of us is going to have to face. Kiev has been shelling the largest nuclear power station in the world, designed to drive the cloud into Russia for months to come when this goes critical. This is military strategy by the Co Opters in DC and NATO.

In the inks below from Rense.com, the following is to take place. America will push Russia to severing all ties with America in naming Russia a terror state as Latvia and Lithuania have done.

Meet you on the other side.

Kissinger - US 'At Edge Of War' With Russia, China

Moscow Reveals ‘Point Of No Return’ In
Russia-US Relations

Latvia Follows Lithuania, Designates Russia
As Terrorist State, Urges Europe To Follow
They Are Begging For Nuclear War

It is what Dr. Henry Kissinger which expounds on all of this. Ukraine is a buffer zone. Russia liberating Russian Ukraine and winning. In order to stop what the cartel had designed, Jew Zellinsky is going to use Ukraine as an atomic bomb, meaning Kiev will cause that nuclear reactor to go critical. It will pollute the region, and then in this "emergency we dovetail into what Dr. Kissinger explains below, the Co Opters in DC will create a new solution. That is it will make radioactive Ukraine a protectorate. Yes that will cost you trillions of dollars, but do not worry as you are getting fruit like grapes from Chernobyl in Ukraine at your American grocery........

And in that, Ukraine will then become what Dr. Kissinger is now on board for, in Ukraine will be a part of NATO.

"We are at the edge of war with Russia and China on issues which we partly created, without any concept of how this is going to end or what it is supposed to lead to," Kissinger told the Wall Street Journal.
The veteran foreign policy scholar said that the Unuted States can only avoid accelerating tensions and "create options."
As for Ukraine, Kissinger thought that in the past it was best fit to act as a buffer between Russia and the West, "something like Finland."  However, Russia's military operation in Ukraine changed his view, making him believe that "one way or the other, formally or not, Ukraine has to be treated in the aftermath of this as a member of NATO." The former secretary of state also argued that Russia would retain Crimea and parts of Donbass as a result of a plausible settlement with Kiev.

This is shrewd really as making Ukraine radioactively contaminated, it pushes Russia out. That atomic cloud will blow all over Russia and kill Russians, causing huge problems as no one will want Russian radioactive wheat. Great food shortages and those who control those crops in America, Africa, India and South America will have absolute control.

This will set off record refugee invasions from the Mideast, Africa and South America. That is another story, but you now see what will happen in Ukraine by design. It will become a radioactive scorched earth for a decade, where it will then become a Greater Jewry state as no one will be left and it will be open to migration, and Russia will have toppled by then.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
