Saturday, November 5, 2022

The Caste of Twitter The Pogromme of Ukraine

Please I'm not real. If I do not get back into my wrapping paper every hour I start to dull.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry does not see a shred of difference between the tyranny of Twitter and they tyranny of Ukraine. Neither are anything but unAmerican enterprises. At Twitter, the caste there, led by the disgruntled leftists who are rich are upset that Elon Musk is going to charge 8 bucks a month for that Blue Check Mark meaning you are verified as real. This of course comes with the perks of a caste, which reflects all the Swammie who are lurking at Twitter in their Indian caste system set up by the British.

For this Mark of the Musk, you get less spam and other things that poor people can not afford. In my assessment, being verified just makes it easier for the FBI to prosecute you for being a Darwin political.

Meet you on the other side.

1 day ago ... In a series of tweets, he wrote the social-media company needs to pay the bills without relying on advertisers.

In Ukraine, another NSA funded operation like Twitter, you have a like prison system for not agreeing with the Jew in charge, that Zellinskyy. Even Dictator Biden was fuming at the Jew in not being grateful for a billion dollars, and demanding more for his oligarchs who have the blue check marks by their name in Ukraine.

Ukraine has many schemes going on in their monopoly. Russia did them a huge revenue favor in now the Ukrainazi have a grain monopoly along with their energy monopoly. The Schwabians got all the grain coming out of Ukraine and the poor people without the check marks by their names, got to starve.

The United States and Belgium really are making allot of criminals allot of money in Ukraine.

Meet you on the other side.

Meanwhile, developed states have capitalized tremendously from the deal by receiving the lion's share of agricultural products shipped through the grain corridor, even though the initiative was aimed at helping the starving countries of the Global South. For instance, needy countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan, and Afghanistan received just 3% of the food, primarily through the UN World Food Program. At the same time, for some categories of agricultural products - rapeseed, corn, and soybeans - EU countries received from 60% to 100% of supplies from Ukraine.

It would be easier if this weird little alien named Elon had more NSA money coming in. It makes no sense why Musk wasted his cash on Twitter. It appears all of his graft he got from the NSA came due and they wanted their money back, so Musk got stuck with Twitter and is now trying to make it actually make money........something nothing on the internet has done since the NSA took it completely over and turned everything into a monopoly being underwritten, but now is being cut off like Obama cut off the television stations back in the day unless they started promoting pedophilia.

So you can go on Twitter, same Twitter the FBI tracks everyone on, and you can say thing the FBI will record for your trial. You can pay 96 bucks for a front row seat ahead of the wogs and get treated just like that weird Stephen King and other wokesters who only have comfort in a world where all the other lemmings are making little lemming sounds as the world goes over the cliff.

I am waiting for the Twitter Board of Inquiry where the Mark of Musk gets a group of like minded trolls to judge other trolls if they are fit for the caste of Twitter. I would like to get paid to sit on that board as I would be the voice of reason in letting everyone say whatever they wanted. If you want the facts, the world has come closer to oblivion in a few short years of these wokesters than 6000 years of Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama.

Here look at Stephen King, bemused about this.

I will be the first to admit that I have no idea what this is and what it is about, as I do not care. I could not believe if I had money that I would sit on a page and discuss something like this. Talk about brains full of mush who all have the blue check mark verifying that they really are the people they say they are. Maybe that is the value of the blue check in people honestly would not believe people who say they know more than the rest of us, would be wasting time on shit like this.

I'm looking at the fall of civilization being engineered by those who want a civilization after their own image. I don't want to look like these people. The way I think things go is, they hand just enough of Congress back to the GOPliters so they can get stuck with the disaster of Biden as they waste time on impeachment as the new order chugs along. People get so fed up with these trolls, that come 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, that the communists get power again in one house, and what difference does it make if it is Deserter Don or that shemale Michelle. Then again that is why Elon is at Twitter so he can bill himself as Mahdi to the world and run for the Oval O.

The internet used to be American. It was fun. Everything was free. People all thought you should get free stuff like games and programs. You could say anything you wanted and be whoever you wanted and no one went to jail as none of it mattered. It was all a hook to get you inside, then the NSA locked the door and the FBI criminalized everyone as the moneychangers started charging you for being there. Hell they created their own viruses to make you buy things and Microsoft degraded programs to make you update on command. All fricking crooked but the caste never go to jail.

If you want the fact, the internet is falling apart as fast as the cash cow of Ukraine. It simply is not generating anymore as it used to. It is cliche and boring. Cell phone zombies would rather look at selfies than be brainwashed by these government sponsored trolls who are called influencers.

This is all like watching the clone Star Trek episodes. You have seen it all before and it is now in a grey dream scape meant to dull the senses.

I honestly have come to the conclusion  that when the world ends, people will be so pleased that it is over that they won't mind dying.

Gamergate: The NSA pharm of nerdgeniuses who were cultivated for their future appearance to stroke the light fantastic in dullish minds.

Nuff Said
