Saturday, November 5, 2022

The Offspring of Satan

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has attempted to explain that it is not what you believe that matters. It is what Russians believe.

Russians are Protestant Orthodox Christians. Their faith if governed by their religious authority, their thoughts are governed by their political authority and their lives are governed by their family authority.

If you ever read Mark Twain's biography of Joan of Arc, he explained something of the invention of  Joan of Arc. In France, like in Mexico, what the Priest says is what controls the local community. So when Joan got the Prince of France ordained and consecrated, that meant he was King of France in the hearts of the people.

The Russian leadership has been very aware of what is Russia. They speak of realities of religion and the people listen. They are not like Americans who on the left disdain God and mock Him, or like those on the right who know politicians are frauds every time they bring up God.

Russia in her people is of the belief they are in a Holy War a jihad as deep as Islam, but this is Orthodoxy, and the reality is the American woke has given Moscow all the abomination they can use to reinforce that Americans are as vile as Sodom and deserve hell fire and brimstone.

The former President, Medvedev in a speech to Russians, invoked the same word Jesus did invoking the Lake of Fire, Gehenna. The image of Gehenna was fresh in the minds of Jews of Jesus time, as it was a valley or a garbage dump outside of Jerusalem, which had a perpetual fire burning in it. It was a rotting, stinking, repulsive place no one wanted to be around. That is Gehenna and the mirror image is of the Lake of Fire of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ.

The Russians are using terms of reference to using atomic bombs as the Gehenna of Judgment which they will use to cleanse the world of it's refuse of humanity in the West.

In a message marking Russia's Day of National Unity, Medvedev said the task of the fatherland was to "stop the supreme ruler of Hell, whatever name he uses - Satan, Lucifer or Iblis".

Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said Russia had different weapons, including the ability to "send all our enemies to fiery Gehenna", using a Hebrew term often translated as Hell.

Since the war began, Medvedev's rhetoric has become increasingly fierce though his published views sometimes chime with thinking at the top levels of the Kremlin elite.

Satan's weapons, Medvedev said, were "intricate lies. And our weapon is the truth. That is why our cause is right. That is why victory will be ours! Happy Holidays!"

Mr. Medvedev's rhetoric mirrors Alexander Dugin and General Shoigin of the Russian military. They believe what they are saying. In the West, you stand around with your fingers up your asses and say nothing about pedophiles and queers sticking things up their asses. The Russians see this and they know they are morally superior as Ronald Reagan knew in 1980 that America was then morally superior to the Soviet Union.
You should remember how Ronald Reagan rallied America to that just cause. He was so beleived by Russia that the Russians went on nuclear alert over Reagan's contemplation.  The Rainbow Warriors of Biden, Blinken and Austin, all are now scared of what Russia has been initiated into.

The Russians believe Americans and the West are the offspring of satan, because of what the Bible says, what God says, because of the rejection of God and the breaking of the Laws of God. The Russian are speaking in nuclear terms of of Judgement of Sodom and the cities of the plain. Those terms are Revelation of Jesus the Christ Prophecies for the end of the world.

It does not matter what you believe. It matters what Russia believes. They are a faithful people.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
