Friday, January 27, 2023

Russia is now Reagan's Shining City on a Hill

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After the reality that Russia conducted military drills off the United States with the naval ship, Admiral Gorskva, the Lame Cherry wills to issue a statement, as Russia in conducting drills in response to American and NATO betrayals and aggression, as German chancellor Angela Merkel, that the Minks Peace Accords were all a ruse to arm Ukraine to butcher Russia,.

Former President Dmitry Medvedev eluded to the operation which shut down American radar, cell phone and digital internet on January 26th while conducting those drills off the Potomac River. It is this what the Lame Cherry wills to address.

The Lame Cherry expresses it's appreciation from the Protestant American People to the Russian Orthodox Christians, for their guiding hand upon President Vladimir Putin, former President Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian Security Council and the Russian military. America has been involved in criminal activity in Ukraine, from bio weapon labs to the deployment of dirty nukes in depleted uranium munitions. If there is one dead Russian due to American training and NATO weapons, then that is a murder as there is not a declared war between Russia and America, by the United States Congress.

For Russia to have her people murdered in an undeclared war, to suffer CIA and MI6 insurrections inside of her country, and the attempted assassination of their leaders, ,including the murder of the daughter of Alexander Dugin, is conduct which is nothing to do with the Founders of these United States.

In response to this naked aggression, Russia has shown respect of international law and restraint. That restraint is an epiphany of the culture and morality of Christian Russia. Russia in it's exercise which was a response to this aggression, did not target Americans. Russia focused her attention on the District of Columbia Co Opters. She gave notice the exercise would focus on the Potomac River in the overthrown Washington City and it did just that. Russia replied to the guilty who had murdered her people and targeted her nation.

Russia did not indiscriminately attack Christian America. That is what the purpose of the Lame Cherry blog has been for sometime. To appeal to the Better Angels of Russian nature in being a fair and strong people that they will differentiate from those who are innocent and those who are guilty. Thee American People are children, often too trusting and always too ignorant. To punish those children, now political prisoners in their own land, is something America has unleashed from Dresden, to Tokyo, to Hanoi, to Baghdad. Those patriotic wars deceived the people and they are exiles in their own land, in this global cartel of the Great Reset.

The Psychology of Russia is evident in being compassionate and not a nation unleashing holocaust. Every innocent American should thank Russia for that compassion as our lives depend upon that compassion. The Potomac Incident offers promise that the Reagan Blue Country which is most of America, will at the least be looked upon by Russia, even in a nuclear war as not a target, for Russia's enemies are not there. This is the People of Protestant Christians. The People who voted for peace with Russia in Donald Trump.

I do not know in the ruthless warfare which is coming in the End Times, if Russia will be able to hold onto it's Orthodox Virtue, as there is no doubt that Russian civilians will be targeted in that war and Russia will be moved to retaliate. For this moment though, Russia is thanked by this Lame Cherry as she should be, for being an advanced civilization, for her morality and for her Christian virtue. This is why I thanked Russia previously and denounced the policies of unConstitutional murder by the DC Co Opters. It was hoped that if Russia knew, then Russia would be that Shining City on a Hill which Ronald Reagan spoke of in his America which has now been vanquished.

Each of our lies now depend on God's Grace and the mercy of Russia. Expressing and acknowledging that appreciation might just keep you ungrateful non donors alive to repent.

Nuff Said
