Tuesday, February 7, 2023

All in a Manipulated Name

Buffalo Squats

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those who think that words like domestic terrorist just appear as propaganda, the Lame Cherry is going to expose you to the reality of how much you have been brainwashed and you had no idea, and just accepted it, as your great grandparents, grandparents and parents did.

Read the following name below.

Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake

I know you can not, because you can not speak the Dakota dialect. Even in that the Sioux, have been overtaken by the terrorist sect of the Lakota, which are Dakota, but they pronounced the D as an L. There is also the Nakota group who pronounced the D as an N.

The above name you have been told is Sitting Bull. You can verify what is posted here by visiting the site which is a Sioux dictionary and translator.

The Iyotake word means literally to sit down or to sit up. It is not sitting, but sits or squats. Although in wokeness, transgender or both genders is that Obama monkey demon out of India in both sexes that he kept jangling in this pocket for luck.

(Obama's real name is BEARICK, not Bah ROCK as Michelle changed the pronunciation to.)

The Thathanka word means literally bison or buffalo, not a bull buffalo, as it is generic like cattle is the collective term for bovines.

So the real translation is Bison Sits or Buffalo Squats. That is not as glamorous as Sitting Bull which is designed to stir the heart and gain admiration.

I have  told you that Quannah Parker the legendary half breed Comanche's real name means Stinker, as in a baby as he did until quite old pooped in his pants. Stinker is a reality of who he was.

In fact, the Indians were quite lewd in their names for each other. There were allot of genital parts in their names.

Take as another example the legendary Crazy Horse. His name is Tȟašúŋke Witkó.

I often refer to him as Silly Pony, to make people think for the first time in their lives and stop being manipulated.

The word Witko is one of many Siouxan words for Crazy. Indians can be woman crazy to insane. Witko is what Crazy Horse has in his name, and you can see it means foolish or insane or naughty like a child.

 A pony is a young horse, a child horse.

Thasunke is a noun, and means "his or her horse", as in ownership.

So Crazy Horse's real name is closer to His Bad Pony, than an insane animal, which again is not exactly a wholesome term akin to rabid dog.

So you should have an idea now how you have been manipulated.

I am going to include the peace orator of the Sioux who transformed from a terrorist to looking after his people's interests. His name is John Grass, or Charge Bear. I am not going to waste my time in what his name means really, but include him, so you can see a close representation of what His Bad Pony really looked like.

John Grass was from the same Western Sioux group, and if you look at him, you can note how much he looks like His Bad Pony from a Mormon's artistic drawing which His Bad Pony's sister verified as his likeness.

Except for the nose being more Roman in John Grass, and His Bad Pony's nose is more like Bison Sits, you are seeing a likeness which is not on the rotting monument in South Dakota.

The earliest White People often found numbers of the Siouxan peoples almost white. As they are a Canadian invader to America, who committed genocide against American tribes, they seem to have been exposed as the Mandan to Viking bloodlines. The Phoenicians were visitors to America's east coast. The fact is the American Indian, which PBS traced (removed from their archives) that the American Indian is a now almost extinct Japanese mountain people. It has been noted in the modern age that there is not a pure blood Sioux Indian alive, as the Europeans freely interbred with them.

The point in this, is to open your minds and realize how much all of us have been manipulated by those in the past who wanted a mystique to enhance the Indian to exploit them for profit or power. Same situation is taking place today. No one those cares much for Stinky people, Buffalo squats or Naughty Pony to champion their cause.

Just remember that in the cause celebs now in vogue for profit and exploitation in America and around the world.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said

