Tuesday, February 7, 2023

the woke Hitler


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With all the realities of life that Mrs. Jared Kushner has suffered due to the presidency of her father, Donald the deserter Trump, from her closest liberal millionaire and billionaire friends shunning her and the liberal left boycotting her businesses that they forever tarnished her Ivanka Brand name, not once has this woman uttered how utterly anti Semitic this was all, in hating her because she is a Jew. She has shown a strength through work which should inspire all.

So when Mrs. Kushner embarked on a new adventure in media, in IBM, with Mosaad locating for her the 100 plus year old, leader of Germany's last reich, living in abstentia in Argentina South America, where he moved to, in exchange for giving democrat President Harry Truman nuclear fuel to bomb Nagasaki as his ticket out of the war, naturally this interview of a 1000 years would be exhibited here, especially when it was announced that Adolf Hitler is now woke. Yes the lefist, left wing, national socialist Adolf Hitler, came home to his roots and has declared not only his admiration, but his fidelity to the new struggle of mankind.

The interview begins.

Guten Tag

Adolf, my generation knows little of what the past is, and we could care less. It is with that understanding, could you tell us a little about yourself.

Guten tag Frau Kushner

Danke, Mrs. Kushner. I was not born Adolf Hitler at all. In fact, my real father was a European Jew of the Ashkenazim, and unlike you being a convert, my ancestors converted centuries ago. I was backed in my political career by the Rockefellers and rose to be leader of the Germanic peoples. I confess I made my mistakes.

Sagen sie mir

Your mistakes. Let me share a quote you made and ask you if this is something you regret saying this about Jews.

"All they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks."

Ja ja, wir alle machen fehler

Of course I regret this, especially the German to English translation has taken the praise I held for Jews and turned it into an accusation. The Guild is a wonderful group of leading minds and talents. It is not a world swindle, it is a world order. Jewry prospered immensely, even while being persecuted by Rome and the Vatican, but there should be a PERIOD at the end of swindle, and "Endowed" should be capitalized, so like the Americana Constitution "endowed by their Creator", it in German reads the Jew endowed with sovereign rights and removed from intervention by other states would have their rights protected. In German it reads, that the WORLD would call it a haven for scoundrels and a university for budding crooks", in what the Jewish state would become. I never once meant anything of the sort, but like a messiah, like Obama is a messiah, I was issuing a warning of the responsibility this most successful religious race would face.

Wir send beide Juden, Adolf

Yes, but we have all heard about the concentration camps. That was wrong.

Ja Ja, Unsere jüdischen Ältesten unterzeichneten Verträge für Ghettoarbeiter

Of course it was wrong in how it turned out. The policy which I had laid out before me was much like what is taking place in the United States and Europe. Poor immigrants would be brought to work in German camps, just as the Mexican and the Muslims have been brought to be forced labor in America and Europe. This final solution was something that should never have happened and being woke, I apologize for this horrid outcome, like Barack Obama should have apologized for Planned Parenthood aborting allf those Black children across America for billions in profit.


Nine, please let me finish. The world has shown after my abdication for peace to South America, that it has embraced Nazism or National Socialism, from Russia, China, England, Germany, the United States. The governing I brought to Germany has been embraced by the world. The government collects taxes, corporations are funded with those taxes and peoples lives are ordered by the government. This is what being woke is. That is what ANTIFA and BLM are. No one wants to be a communist. They all desire like Obama in his community organizations, to be put into order and a kind government deciding all the things people should not have to ever be burdened with.
I am the father of international socialism which is what governs the world. I apologize as Obama did for the sins of America and colonialism, and look forward to my Nobel Prize, for my same apology.

I apologize to you Mrs. Kushner for interrupting, but I wanted my apology to be immediate.

Was ist das Geheimnis Ihres Erfolges?

You are now over 100 years old. How did you survive this long?

Kraft durch Arbeit

It is strength through work. I work every day for the embetterment of humanity. I began my political career backed by the Brown Shirts who were all homosexuals and pedophiles. I crushed them as I knew the world was not ready for gender redefinitions. I though now realize that the world is ready for LGBT as the United States Supreme Court under John Roberts defined it.

I work for genderkind and all of my efforts are to promote the apple of God's eye, the Jew, with their accomplishments in leading every vocation and ideology which is sweeping the world. My Jewish roots call out to me in this 21st century and beyond.


We only have time for one more question.  What is the one thing you would like to change in this world as your penance for past sins?

das willkommen

*sighs. I would if I could, put Jews in charge of all banking. I would put them in ownership of media like Hollywood and news. I would put together a gathering of world leaders to decide the direction of humanity. I would place Jews in every government and of course be the counselors to those governments who do not have the benefit of organized Jewry in their nations. I would do all this, but this has all been accomplished as the Schiffs controlled all American banking, the Rothschilds all European banking. Jews are at the head of all media, and entertainment. Klaus Schwab with his World Economic Forum is dictating all that the world will evolve into, from wars to social credit scores. I would do all  this, but it is already accomplished, so regrettably as I said in 1930, "If I am successful, I will be the greatest leader in world history. If I fail, I will be blamed as the biggest scoundrel. In knowing that, it is my woke hope that I can be of benefit to all genderkind in being blamed for everything, and a uniting force so the world that is being established,as the old system in being torn down and wiped out. This is my penance as the woke Adolf Hitler".

Nuff Said

