Friday, February 10, 2023


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Saints do not need preaching to. Sinners do.

- Lame Cherry

The honest review of my brother's life is one of a little boy who was never got over being overlooked as a kid. He never applied himself in school, because my parents spoiled him, as the first and only boy. He never applied himself in  life, but sought the easy way out.
The amazing part of his life that went well, was after we had a falling out, I ended up having to listen to him whine about how bad his life was and I told the mother, "This punishment from God is more taxing on us than him, with all of his whining. Let's us get him a job and be released from him".

So we prayed, and he got a job at Cabelas. He always thought it was a him and I suppose God was loving him because he was so special.

He was the kind of person who could not keep his mouth shut at work. Always had to start something, and he was not a manager that was not his authority to be bitching about how corporate did things. I remember telling him, take the job in the firearms section as it would be easy. Corporate tried to put him into that slot, but his response was," I work in the hunting department, not the gun department".

After a shitfest of that , guess where he eventually ended up? Yes the gun department and the little shit loved it. It became his god. It is what validated him finally as a person, as like all gun people, he could pretend to be a know it all and lecture people on shit.
I remember my cousin asked him about a pistol. Immediately he went into his song and dance about 9 mm's, and these 600 dollar semi auto. I told him,  "What the hell are you telling that kid about expensive guns for, because he can't afford them. Tell him to get some affordable 200 dollar revolver".
What I got from that was an "I know", which pisses me off to the max, because dumb ass if you know, then what the hell are you doing not giving the proper direction. Yes it was to puff himself up, but that is what my brother was.

In the end, his god killed him. He took the vax, and he dropped like a rock with a myriad of manifestations. So there was not any, "Well I don't want Jesus coming back because I want to do some hunting yet."
Not doing much hunting from the grave and his children have scattered all of his shit to the wind.

In reading that, everyone can see and judge my brother for what he was. The problem in this is everyone of you well to do shoppers who pretend you do not have money when it comes to God things, are on the same road to being pulled up short in what is coming.

You are the seed of the Parable from Christ, in the Gospel has sown in your heart, and instead you are growing portfolios, enjoying being rich, enjoying people treating you well, enjoying life. Every person I know who took the vax, is well enough off and took it to protect their life as that is what came first with them.

Christ said the deceitfulness of wealth. Think about that.

St. Matthew
Chapter 13

22The seed sown among the thorns is the one who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.

Deceit is a misleading falsehood. That is the definition. It is a double meaning by definition. It is being duplicitous. Money is that way. People who have money talk themselves into that people smiling at them like them, not that they are trying to get that money. People who have money talk themselves into the lie  that they are better than others, when Jesus says they got their reward here and will not have one in Heaven. Money is not just the ROOT of all evil. Money is double meaning end to hell, in it provides comfort here, but also more anxiety. It provides security, but alienation from God in Faith. It provides a fleeting self worth, but is filth before God, because God intends for people to use money to care for others and to fund the Gospel in this world. That is the treasure, the good will of others in making things easier. That is the treasure, the investment in nurturing the saved and not always reminding people of all you have done for them.

That is what is special about Richard and Stephanie. When they have cared for us, there is never any follow up in wondering what we did. There is never any lecture on how things should be done. When what they have given is out of their hands, it is in God's hands and I'm responsible for doing the right thing. They are so very unique in being the images of Christ.

My brother is dead because the cares of this life, got him vax dead. He chose the position of being looked up to, instead of looking at God. Most of you are bound by the weight of all you have. You will not let go of it, and it is burying you under your grave. You think having something makes you something. No having things makes you RESPONSIBLE to always use those things to make life better here for others. That is not for your vanity, and that means it is not for giving where you are sure to get more attention so people will jack off your ego.

None of this is going to matter to those it should. You have rock hearts and satan is a fiery heat that burns up any words you read that exposes what you are.

You can see the faults of my brother in his splinter, but the logs in your eye are ignored. Each of us has a set amount of time to get this right. The End Times is cutting that shorter by the day. Ignoring the facts is not going to change the facts nor is denying them.

You are deceived because you choose to be.

Nuff Said
