Friday, February 10, 2023

The Schwabophile


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has been active in exposing the legalized child rape agenda of the cartel, even before I asked World Net Daily to cover the speech by John Kerry's daughter in 2004 at the Democratic National Convention when she said on live broadcast, that it was not a woman's right to choose, but, A CHILD'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE.

I have looked for that script and it has been sanitized and changed. The fact is the homosexual deviant platform has been nothing to the pedophiles but a stepping stone to making their child rape the law of the land. Just so you comprehend this, they are raping children now and always have been. But what they desire is to take over these institutions of self government, overthrow them, and then have the "institutions" declare that their perversions are legal and moral. You have to get that point. They want normal moral people to have to submit to their perversions to validate them.

That is why the image of Birther Hussein Obama, advanced homosexual rights and the Bungholer John Roberts illegally rewrote Constitutional Law to make sodomy legal, and now it has advanced without any say by the People to more perversions. That is their platform and they will once again come forward and change a few words to make pedophiles legal. The odd term they have chosen in this round is AGE GAP LOVE, which is a bastardization of love.

I have stated that what these perverts desire is to make this a social order, like the Greeks where those in power could rape children, buy children to mentor them, and society would condone it all, because the Greeks agreed to a deal where as long as the child got something out of it, like an education, position or career, it was not such an evil thing.

Newspunch in the new tourism has a detailed list of American media from the New York Times to CNN, in advocating for legal protections for child rapists. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has published some bizarre science that the reason so many pedophiles exist, is natures way of coping with attempting to reproduce itself or whatever the lie is they have crafted at this time.

There is a reason Dictator Joe Biden was installed and Hunter Biden's laptop was left to be made public. It is pedophilia, being indoctrinated into the public mind to dull the public mind to accept it when the laws protecting children are overturned.

As everyone has caught up, meaning the cartel in the Mockingbird is auditioning coverage in right wing media to condition the people's minds, there is not a great deal more I can write about or warn of this perversion which is coming for your children.

At the moment, understanding how this was all crafted is of more interest, in this was generated by the Bush family for their cartel backers, in they figured out that if one created hedgefunds to loot Wall Street and overthrow corporations and use "market collapse money infusions" from the US Treasury, that one hedgefund could buy up and gain control of these conglomerates, install their own perverted 5th Column, who would then go out and attack everything which was protected by legal rights. In this the Nazism of Adolf Hitler, was installed into the world system, where the Treasury produced money to leverage control of all the finance and production, which then fell into line for psychological or real war operations.

That is how this is all being accomplished and it will become even more cemented with Social Credit Scores and E Coin. If one does not have the mark of the beast, one shall not buy nor sell.

This is Scwabian as the mouthpiece, but the shadowlands is where all of this originates. It has shattered societies and will continue to turn them into savages to be divided further and conquered.

This is what lays ahead and it is not decades out there as we are decades into this and time is short.

Nuff Said
