Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Ukrainian Death Nail


Thee Ashli Babbitt of Russia

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Macgregor - Russia Mobilizing 700,000
Troops For A New Offensive

As the Lame Cherry specifically predicted before anyone, Kiev's focus is Kherson, to make a personnel carrier bridge to bomb the Isthmus of Crimea and then to force in suicide squads of Nazis to be rooted out of Crimea, as they go on an assassination binge against the Government there.

There is no as Rainbow Warrior, Lloyd Austin stated a few weeks before March for this window to open, as that window was blown to debris with this entire NATO house in Ukraine in this Soledar Maneuver. Ukraine died then, but the death sentence of Ukraine was the moment that this Grubber Zellinskyy was installed.

U.S. Defense SecretarLloyd Austin was unusually candid about the situation in Ukraine when he told the allies in Germany at Ramstein Air Base on January 20, “We have a window of opportunity here, between now and the spring,” admitting, “That’s not a long time.” 

Alexei Arestovich, President Zelensky’s recently fired advisor and unofficial “Spinmeister,” was more direct. He expressed his own doubts that Ukraine can win its war with Russia and he now questions whether Ukraine will even survive the war. Ukrainian lossesat least 150,000 dead including 35,000 missing in action and presumed dead—have fatally weakened Ukrainian forces resulting in a fragile Ukrainian defensive posture that will likely shatter under the crushing weight of attacking Russian forces in the next few weeks. 

What you will witness in Ukraine is death throws. Death throws akin to the German Reich throwing all they had against overwhelming Soviet and American forces in World War II. The Ukraine Nazi though are not the fine Wehrmacht troopers who fought like hell to try and save Germany from invasion. They were stubborn and laid down their lives for every foot of Soviet advance. They knew what was coming and gave all for Germany. The Ukrainazi though has never given a thing that the Germans and Austrians gave. They are as different fro Russian troops as lackluster as the Italians are at fighting.

Ukraine is out of time. Read this Scott Ritter quote.

It takes 22 weeks to train a basic American M1 Abrams crewmember. That training just gives the soldier the very basic skill set to be functional. Actual operational expertise is only achieved through months, if not years, of additional training in not just the system itself, but employing it as part of a similarly trained combine arms team. Simply put, even a Ukrainian tank crew experienced in the operation of Soviet-era T-72 or T-64 tanks will not be able to immediately transition to a Western-style main battle tank.

Thee only thing the United States and NATO could do now to "save" Ukraine is to deploy high altitude bombers to strike Russians directly in Ukraine. As one can read, Ramstein Collective has no stomach for this kind of war, because the minute that Russians are slaughtered by bombers from the West, is the minute this becomes a Russian war in picking off Western assets from the British Navy eliminated to Ramstein disappearing. Put 20,000 dead Americans on the list for Bidencon to deal with, and even Sean Homo Hannity could not gin up patriotic fervor to squander more American lives for his backers to get Ukraine bribes.That is the issue in this. Americans start having to bury their dead in immense numbers and you will see protests in the streets by the thousands on the right and left, and not just Ashley Babbitt's Mum being arrested for jaywalking as a political prisoner.

The Russians now have a working HIMARS control system. As the Ukrainazi will sell out their own mothers, the Russians will have bribed all American munitions and battle plans so that Vladimir Putin is reading them sooner than Dictator Biden.

The Russian military managed to capture the HIMARS missile control system as a trophy.

As a result of the strikes by the Ukrainian military on the Kirovsky district of Donetsk, the Russian military managed not only to successfully shoot down several munitions fired by HIMARS systems, but also to capture the control system of such missiles. The missile control unit, judging by the visual condition, was not damaged at all. This allows you to explore its capabilities and develop a solution to counter attacks using HIMARS systems.

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Al lof American top weapons are now obsolete, in Russia has defeated all these systems.

Ukraine is now a disease and it is soon to become a NATO plague killing Europe. It will become a pandemic and infect the United States with it's own death nail.

This is not Russia's fault. If you remember the Lame Cherry urged Donald the deserter Trump to make peace with Russia and join in dealing with China. Now America is the one which is dying due to Nazi's in Ukraine that the CIA sponsored after Adolf Hitler was removed in 1945.

Nuff Said

