Monday, June 5, 2023

The conning city on the cliff


As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

I desire to address something. Madeline Gerwick who is some star charter recently was espousing that Donald Trump was still Commander in Chief. She stated that there would be noticeable increases in military presence throughout America, and not be alarmed as these are the White Hats.

I knew in listening to her, that I was hearing Qanon, and when the White Hats appeared, that is textbook Mike Flynn DIA syops.

How people can still be listening to this false narrative after January 6th, it just makes recoil, in wondering how Bambi's buddy people still are. If you need to have that explained, Bambi had a buddy who was raised by humans, so they were good, so when they appeared again, he told Bambi to trust them. The buddy did and went home to the meat rack.

No one who is in power. No one who has a leadership job, no one who has Musk money is legitimate. They are all assets of the cartel. Having been engaged in this for over a decade in attempting to reprogram people's minds to think, I really do not care why the cartel allows this platform to track. I thank God, but there comes a time when you no longer care understanding why the key starts the engine. It is enough that the engine starts.

I'm more convinced now than ever that everyone who is Christs, should be backing away from all of this. "Come out of her my people" in reference to Babylon. Yes the reality is, we need this system or the order to facilitate comforts, like electricity, heat, a bed. You can get this in prison, but it is not logical to suffer and stress yourselves by crawling into a hole in the ground.

For the Christian, it means not trusting this regime for your lives and that means not selling your soul as the majority have done.

Things have only gotten worse since we rode Donald Trump as the only horse. He is not going to be able to do anything, because he did nothing the first time. The military was going to gun down the Jan6ers. That is with Trump in charge. The military is making open season on Christian Whites as enemies of the state. This military loathes everything Donald Trump espoused.

There is not going to be any Trump savior. Jesus is the only One who saves and He accomplishes that in war at Armageddon in hosts making war against Him A Protestant Christian must be transforming from physical to Spiritual. That is coming out of Babylon.

The things the Bible predicts in the Big Events are your assets. It will take big events to deal with something bigger than all of us. So do not fear Wormwood, global earthquakes, world war, it requires big events to crack this big agenda.

Just please, please stop attaching to the temporary and that which betrays. All of this is going to pass away, meaning it will reach non existence.

There is nothing in these GOPliters who will provide you with the outcome you seek. It is all a fraud and has been since Ronald Reagan. The Lame Cherry states this, because this homosexual and pedophilia promoter of the Trumps, are not the America of that shinning city on the hill.

I can tell you a tell in this. If Donald Trump was legitimate, he would either be in prison or he would be in the White House having reestablished the Reagan Revolution. His being the Pied Piper is proof he is an asset of the very things he rails against again.

For your sake, do not get fooled twice. Always remember that God never fools anyone the first time.

Nuff Said
